[double dares]
"too old to play a young boy and too old to play a young boy’s dad"
That old, huh?
It is a dumb and weird name, but the pronunciation makes sense if it's Italian. I gave up after about 5 minutes of attempting to hatewatch tit, so I don't know if perhaps this is made obvious in the film.
Your username gives me this weird thick feeling in the back of my th- hhrrrrk
I wish you were funnier! *waggles fingers expectantly*
Not as long as being heard involves commenting and thus giving them the delicious pageview nutrients they crave!
Nicknames are for friends.
Why, the math is irrefutable. 1 penis == 1 pair of labia. Dozens of pairs of flawless tits == nothing. We discard those from the equation. Differences in presentation and context are also ignored, in order to be as reductive as possible.
Yeh, I call bullshit on these claims of disproportionate female objectification until I see some EXPOSED VULVAS!
As a dependent, I HATED the COCs I had to attend. They unfailingly took place on sweltering days when the air was dead still, leaving us sweat-glued to our fancy clothing.
Here, have a winky. ;)
WHOA! Dude, my indignance regarding the D&D remark is almost entirely tongue-in-cheek. Of course I know D&D players skew male. Of course I know you weren't speaking in absolutes.
The best part will be all the comments about how exhausting it is to revisit the debate!
I never expected my 60-something mother to like it, but she's hooked. Moms like pseudohistorical epics.
"Rigamortis" is my new DJ name
As a cis straight female and a vocal feminist, I share this enthusiasm for van Houten's nudity. Her body is an aesthetic marvel, and if her career is any indication, she seems to enjoy doing such scenes. So lighten up.
Our blonde eyebrows, how we hates them!
Please cool it, Bob. Your comments are like a pebble in my shoe that I can't seem to dislodge.
This hardly compares to the impeccably groomed and toned female bodies the show presents in unending parade. The flasher is not presented in a sexual context, as an object of desire. His nudity is used to shock instead of titillate (unless one has some rather specific tastes, I suppose).