
i built my first pc last year. it was agonizingly tedious but i did it. after i took it to a place to rebuild it cause i fucked it up somehow and couldnt figure how.

really needed a sloppy green slimer burger

a game like mario 64/galaxy. go to a bunch of worlds, collect rings, kill robots and save animals. a whole bunch of areas so you can try different mechanics.

same, except not. gotta play some weekends on the random game modes!

missed seeing the head monster at the rocket league tournament that gave out a car. its... its really something. goes on for like 10 minutes...

really enjoying this series pretty decent action, good stories and keeps up the humour

id say the most important thing is to get dem loot boxes open, hopefully get some coin, and buy the best tag, “Leek”

pocket card jockey drops on the 5th also! demo is on the eshop, its quite fun :D

lots of favorites here but still missed a bunch! wheres skullmeramon, skullsatamon...or even chumon D:

seen this on facebook yesterday, kinda apt?

what i take away from this story is that you yanks have monopoly right now while we canucks have it in the fall.

thats heartwarming and i feel for them. its tough doing business when the majority of you product is aimed towards kids.

cant get it to work on bluestacks, and it doesnt work on my phone :/

sweeeet! i just hit 50 a couple days ago so leveling became super slow and quests became more sparse. i even last logged out near the mediah border coincidently :P

people, including women, are multi faceted. you shouldnt reduce a character to a couple traits, let them live and explore themselves. if Tracer want to show off her ass from time to time, thats her right.