
In the wake of the Kyoto Animation tragedy, game companies and Japanese authorities have shown zero tolerance for such threats”

Say whaaaat?


Depending on the crazy person writing an opinion it could also be against women on top during PIV as there’s some biblical stuff against that

never underestimate the amount of hang-ups people generally have about sex.

never underestimate the amount of hang-ups people generally have about sex.

“If the Republicans win, no more fun sex.

holy shit that’s even worse!


The offensive part isn’t that you want to warn women. The offensive part is that you spoke in such black and white terms that you left zero ground for anything that doesn’t conform to your world view.

Wow. “You should do a little research.” is NOT “berating”.

So, I’m be definitely NOT a man, and I’m telling you, you’re wrong. Not that PEOPLE, not just women, ALL PEOPLE, should be careful whom they trust, since frankly, that’s kind of a “duh” statement, but you are ABSOLUTELY wrong in your blanket statement that all men who are interested in being a dom are doing it from

No. Men who are into BDSM get gratification from the experience of power and the highly controlled illusion of “causing harm.” And there are many kink-friendly psychotherapists and books by them that will outline this nicely. Manson, OTOH, is a sadistic perpetrator who gets off, it sounds like, on actually causing

Your last comments are absolute bullshit. It is quite possible to be a subservient female in a healthy BDSM relationship. And it’s also quite possible to be a loving male dom in a het relationship.

I’m going to repeat what other people have said: you are very, very wrong about BDSM. “They get sexual gratification from harming women.”—> being a dom in BDSM is not supposed to be about harm but control, and if you find a partner that trusts you and is willing to relinquish control consensually, then that is fine.

Consensual BDSM is very real and not abusive. The men who participate in the dominant role are not misogynists, any more than the women who participate in the dominant role are misandrists. While I’m not piling on here with the other commenter, she is correct that your position robs the female participants of these

Can’t both things be true?

I was making an obviously satirical ‘bigoted’ statement given the context to illustrate how the person I was commenting to was using bigotry to argue against bigotry but thanks for attempting to cherry pick something negative to personally attack me with! You should’ve looked harder! I guess when your opinion is a bad