
Later, at the party, Nate is aggressive towards Jules and threatens to beat her, at which point she grabs a knife and defends himself

Since I hate Hemingway...

They do a screening with assessment of need rather than a lottery.

Everyone can find their local Abortion fund here:

Vermont’s new abortion rights laws aren’t getting much coverage either...

As a single lady homeowner, I get what they’re saying. Yes, mowing the lawn happens “regularly” but it isn’t the same kind of thing as housework. Sure, my lawn looks overgrown, but I don’t HAVE to mow it on a schedule. It varies depending on the weather too- I live in a place where I only have to mow 5 months out of

re: the hat

Use a reeses PB cup instead of hershey’s and you can take this to the next level (unless you’re allergic, of course). I only do ritz and PB cups on my smores now.

In a state with rampant documented voter suppression, this is a shitty argument.

The good news is that abortion rights are enshrined in the Constitution,

A number of states have been doing just that. Codifying Roe in state law is important now. It wasn’t before- one of the things our laws generally don’t do is list what’s legal (we don’t have a law saying you can walk on the sidewalk). We make laws saying what is illegal. With abortion, we’ve now had to upend that

A number of states have been doing just that. Codifying Roe in state law is important now. It wasn’t before- one of the things our laws generally don’t do is list what’s legal (we don’t have a law saying you can walk on the sidewalk). We make laws saying what is illegal. With abortion, we’ve now had to upend that

And the Anti-abortion lobby hands them boilerplate language.

And people of color are being systematically disenfrachised. We cannot mention of lack of voting and not include rampant voter suppression of marginalized people who overwhelmingly vote Dem when they are able.

I don’t think this is true. Tried to find the state map, but overall 70% of the country supports Roe, including 52% of republicans.

We live in the same world. Sex has never, ever been for only procreation in humans.

Kennedy was also more middle of the road. Likely would not have overturned Roe, but may have allowed some restrictions. Kavanaugh appears to be all over overturning Roe.

As part of the debate, an amendment was proposed to provide healthcare for all children born in Alabama. Betcha can guess how that went.

I get it. We all want to drive places and be driven. We all have strong transportation urges we want to follow b/c in many ways driving is very enjoyable. But, the natural consequence of driving is a car accidnet. If you and your partner can’t responsibly avoid any and all accidents, don’t drive. Or, walk very

Yeah, folks who aren’t realizing that Baylor is pretty conservative confuse me. I thought we all knew that.