
Ugh, that’s awful and I’m sorry y’all have to deal with that. I hate that violence is the only acceptably masculine way to show any emotion. It helps no one.

To all the grays jumping in to reply to me that this comment was not related to women, please read Joe’s comments in their actual context:

That’s a fair point.

Politics aside, I think Joe and 45 would be good friends. Which is gross because I too like uncle Joe, but boy does he have his faults.

Right? *swoons sarcastically*

“Women don’t need men to beat up other men to defend us. We do, however, need powerful legislators to hold abusive men to account and ensure they don’t, for instance, get a lifetime appointment to a court which empowers them to make decisions about our lives.”

Exactly. None of my post was to take away from that fact that LGBTQ kids in hostile areas face huge levels of family rejection. I was more responding to the fact that the poster was implying that it would be more likely to be 20% than 40%. If anything, I’m guessing it’s higher than representative in part because the

40% might be closer to representative. Only 48% of Gen Z (so younger than some people in that stat which includes millenials) identify as exclusively hetero. Now, the 52% includes ace folks, pan, and NB which may not be captured in the NCTE survey, but 40% isn’t shocking to me.



They’re waging war on google too. Search for “abortion” and you’re likely to find more crisis pregnancy centers than actual medical facilities.

Bristol Palin literally was a spokesperson for abstinence. AFTER her first child.

Victoria Huber

Someone alert Dan Savage.

I guffawed

I was listening to Call Your Girlfriend (podcast) today so it was very timely!

I started as a teacher and now I work for a nonprofit.

Right? I didn’t make this amount PER YEAR until I got to my third professional job 8 years into the workforce...6 years ago.

Agreed. Roe granted the right to abortion, Casey allowed “reasonable” limits that didn’t place an undue burden on the pregnant person. And since that day, SCOTUS has had to keep deciding what’s undue and what’s not while republicans try every trick in the stupid book to see what sticks.