
The point of male birth control is not so that women don’t have to worry about birth control any more. It’s about adding in more options so that all people can make decisions about their own reproduction. Right now, if you are a person with a penis, you can 1. wear a condom 2. get a vasectomy (permanent) or 3. hope

For once, I’m sad not to have a baby shower to go to! This is the perfect gift!

I’ll likely donate my copy to my local LGBTQ+ center.

Now playing

Good thing there’s a better book choice out there for all of us, just in time for Easter-

It’s funny reading other adults’ accounts of rallies and meetings with youth. You can spot the folks that find this all to be new and unusual. I work with an activist group of teens and let me tell you, I have no doubts that they will be the ones to get shit done. Mine already have passed policies at their schools

No Anita Hill?

They don’t care about that because that’s not about controlling women.

My dog insists on being the little spoon/sleeping as close to me as possible. I don’t sleep great and often wonder if I should train him out of it, but he’s just so damn cute I don’t have the heart. And, my last dog died suddenly and young, so this sick part of me likes that if I wake up in the middle of the night, I

I hate the fake ESA people and yet, if I ever HAD to fly with my dog (as in permanently relocating overseas), I’d fake it in a heartbeat to ensure his safety. If we want to address pets on airplanes, we need to enact some kind of ability for people to fly with pets safely.

And yet they call themselves the “choice network”...

And of course public schools spend more to educate youth with disabilities or limited English proficiency! You need more staff and intensive services. So public school spending goes up because they need more specialized interventions.

Mine is that apparently Martha owns a pair of sequin pants that she keep wrapped in acid free tissue paper.

Nope, not alone at all.

going through puberty in a literal high school was just weird, weird, weird

That likely varies regionally too. Teens these days are queer AF, as a headline I recall put it. About 41% of 13-22 year olds identify as something other than straight and cis. In my area of the country, most if not all of our schools have out trans youth and many schools have parents who are LGBTQ. Our state has

Everyone who always wonders why Title IX makes colleges deal with campus rape too: THIS IS WHY. Courts won’t convict and take forever to convict, so colleges need to be able to hold perpetrators accountable. They suck at it (by and large), but they need to be able to do something and they are able to have a much lower

A forensic kit would have done absolutely nothing in this case. Unlike on TV, in real life (‘rape kit came back positive” is not a phrase I ever heard used in over 5 years of advocacy work), kits don’t prove someone was assaulted- they prove a person’s DNA was found in/on a victim. In this case, there is not confusion

Is there any concern that a move like this will split the vote and hand the governorship to Republicans like Maine twice did?