
I think you will be surprised by how wrong you are...

That must be where I read it!

I noticed it first in The Avengers (which has its problems, etc.) the first time I saw it. The scenes on the bridge of the Helicarrier have a nearly 50-50 crew. At first I thought, “Look at all the women” then I realized it was much closer to 50-50 but because I was so used to seeing 17%, it read as more. Such a

This happened way back in 2004, while he was on Angel and they shot him from the other side. He recovered. He was on HIMYM and has done some TV since. He was also in the Avengers and Guardians I. Not much in the last 3 years though.

Along with the fact that crosses are being used to represent the dead, a number of whom are Jewish.

Exactly. The other fun bit is that teens often don’t have regular cycles. Hormones are still settling in, so you’d have to do it every single day for forever (until your cycle truly levels out) to have even a slight chance.

The fact that this article doesn’t mention anything about WHY Elsa is a gay icon (the coming out metaphor is a pretty easy interpretation) pisses me off too. This article is bullshit- LOLZ Disney lesbians.

It’s charting when you ovulate and not having sex or only having protected sex (condoms) during those times (plus the week leading up to ovulation because sperm can survive that long). So you chart your cycle, take your temp every morning before getting out of bed, check how thick your cervical mucus is (it gets thin

I mean, yes it does, but even when doing that, it’s a shitty method for teens who they are actively marketing this to.

I should’ve been more clear in my OP. A simple blood test without a sore present for the antibodies doesn’t tell us HSV 1 or 2. Certainly a more involved one can, but typical “standard” testing without a sore present just says, “You have the antibodies for HSV.” And, yes HSV 1 and 2 are different forms of the virus,

Ah, sorry. Guess that’s why one shouldn’t count on sources from internet commenters. CDC is where the 20% comes from (and includes those who have HSV-1 infections on genitals). 90% is the overall percent of folks infected with either HSV-1 or 2 in either oral or genital (and anal) locations, according to the link you

You’re correct. Herpes isn’t tested for by any repro health experts unless someone has an active outbreak. We can’t distinguish between oral and genital herpes (90% of americans have the former, 20% the latter according to the CDC). So basically, if all you do is the blood test, almost everyone will test positive. If

This is such an important point to keep in mind. Anyone can “come out” when we don’t expect the default to be straight. In this instance, he did make a bit of a crude joke (something along the lines of “don’t worry about being strapped to me because I’m gay”). But we all come out all the time, unless we’re


I have to go back and rewatch George based on this tumblr post I recently stumbled across:

I don’t think it’s right that the gay men are getting all the attention and I don’t think the two are equal. Sports has LONG been stereotyped as lesbian turf- tomboys have always been the norm in womens’ sports, even when it was to to their detriment- Martina Navritilova, Billie Jean King were derided as lesbians,

As a dog owner and lover, I’m team dog. I would love to work in a dog friendly office, and I think offices can take steps to make a balance. Certainly, if someone has severe allergies and can’t be anywhere dogs are/have ever been, that’s a different story. But to have a few well behaved dogs would be amazing. I’d even