
I’m waiting for Blue Apron to speak out against this comparison. And judging them that they haven’t yet.

This is from 2016, but still so relevant to your comment:

especially when you campaign as the moral high ground, have 16+ sexual assault allegations against you, and still claim to be a champion of women and Christianity who is legislating that people [with vaginas] shouldn’t have sex for any other reason than procreation.

Exactly this. And I would never try to return something that I wore out! All of my gear is LL Bean, but I haven’t been returning backpacks since I got my first one at 12. My lifetime =/= lifetime of a backpack.

Remember when they all thought the Onion’s Abortionplex was real?

I’m all for this kind of bill, but only if it stipulates that the translation into the PURCHASER’S language is the one the contract has to honor. Insurance company made a mistake in the translation? Oops, fuck you you have to honor it and should’ve made sure to hire a better translation service to accommodate the

I feel the same fucking way. #NotBernie2020

Would’ve been nice if they’d used any of the actual signs from the rally, huh? It wouldn’t have surprised me at all if there were Bernie signs. There were a ton a this year’s VT women’s march.

You usually don’t cut yourself, but your partner has to watch out. there have been some serious accidents over the years- less likely in ice dancing than in pairs.

He cares if someone else hits his wife because she’s his property. He doesn’t care if someone hits their own wife. The idea that women are to be “cherished” is to diminish their agency. You cherish heirlooms, fragile and inanimate.

Right? Just call a friend and have them come pick it up! I would drive to the airport to save even an acquaintance’s hamster and I hate those fucking things.

an inability to make competent decisions while caring for a pet.

Also, women married to men are much more likely to take time off from work to raise children, and to be paid less, all of which reduce their social security. And then they also are more likely to outlive their spouse. Older women are far more likely to live in poverty than older men.

A quick highlight for folks who may not know: The National Sexual Assault hotline can help folks process trauma even if it isn’t something recent. I know sometime the word “hotline” can make people think that it’s for only immediate crises; if you’re rethinking something from the past and want safe and supportive

There were a lot of hunting/apocalypse jokes at my viewing party. As a rural, woodsy area, we agreed that he would be mocked if he showed up anywhere local in that thinking that “men [and women] of the woods” wear shit like that.

I get this too (disclosure- I worked on my state’s committee to include this question). It’s a weird quesiton, but the research has shown that it’s more accurate than asking if someone identifies as trans or GNC/NB. I can’t explain WHY that is, but they’ve found in research that it’s a better question phrased that way

I’m not here for the Gretchen Carlson redemption tour. I hate that no one is addressing her about-face, that no one is addressing that she is still a racist, and that folks are happy to promote her work.

My college went through a similar thing with the fight song. They’d changed a bit of it before I got there and by the time I graduated, it was mostly just the old timers who were pissed and sang the old lyrics while everyone else drowned them out with the updated lyrics (because they didn’t know the history and it

Did you miss the part where the victim had known this guy for 10 YEARS? This isn’t a case of not wanting to be polite, it’s about having someone else betray your trust systematically.