I didn’t even have the sound on and I’m all blubbering...
I didn’t even have the sound on and I’m all blubbering...
Anti choicers are so fucking disingenuous about this whole thing. Yes, when it’s wanted it gets to be a baby. When it’s not, maybe it is a fetus or clump of cells. And what we call it doesn’t change the fact that the person whose body it’s growing inside of gets to control that. The thing that matters is how the…
The rules aren’t “no one date anyone at the office ever.” They are “don’t sexually harass anyone at the office ever.” So, no bosses cannot date their employees because the power dynamic is there. One supervisor could in theory date an employee who they do not supervise/hold firing power over, but most HR departments…
And the first part isn’t even true any more! I was at a conference and one of the top AIDS researchers in the country stated that an adult man with HIV now has a longer life expectancy than an adult man who is HIV-negative. That’s independent of the drugs- the drugs allow HIV+ people to live long, healthy lives with…
The thing that stood out to me is that whomever put together this statement must have documented the shit out of this. To turn it in on Monday and have him out by Wednesday says there’s a paper trail. It sucks that the onus is on the people who’ve been harassed; document every detail and maybe people will believe you.
By facility where they do the kits, do you mean where the collection/exam takes place? If so, I think that’s the answer to why not everyone does it that way. I’m in a rural area- if we only had one facility available, only folks in that immediate area would have access. There HAS to be a better way, but VAWA won’t…
“some of my most profound spiritual and sexual experiences were at a Methodist summer camp.”
From what I know, federally victims can’t be charged for the evidence collection portion of the kit. But different states have different policies around the medical piece. Most will first bill insurance for what they can. Others will automatically bill the Crime Victims Fund. Some make victims fill out an application…
Have you considered reaching out to your local SV support center (can find through RAINN)? When I worked at one, we were trained to help people through this, and could walk them through the application to have the crime victim’s fund which would pay for the medical portion of the exam. If you’re not in your school’s…
2a. Be white/rich
Watching this segment I felt like I knew he was gonna be in here. It’s so obvious that he’s gross.
Seriously. Could some fucking republicans lose their jobs for this shit? I’m so angry at the double standard/hypocrisy and what it means for politics in this country (screwing over everyone who’s not a rich white harassing dude) I could shoot fire out of my eyes.
Ugh, I just read about the second allegation. Fuck this. Fuck all of them. Bring on the goddamn matriarchy already- put Black women in charge. AND get all these harassers on both goddamn sides the fuck out of positions of power. I hope the DNC is also doing deep dives into the GOP. I just wish the right wing’s…
Yup. The GOP is only calling for the heads of the Dems. I don’t want Franken to resign because he sounds genuinely remorseful and seems to get it. And because goddamn, if he’s the first head to roll? We’re fucked. It doesn’t work to take the moral high ground if that means you surrender the whole battle. Both sides…
Yup, sobbing. 3D was a poor choice because I kept having to take off my glasses to wipe away tears and blow my nose.
Same! They rereleased it in 3d in 2012 and it was totally worth it. I went to a late weekday showing and was the only one in the theater.