
“Man brain” = the fact that men aren’t taught from an early age that they need to empathize with others and do emotional labor.

AND they remained chaste forever. No sex for Mary and Joseph or the mother of Christ would be spoiled...

I can’t believe this article by Lindy wasn’t quoted at all in this piece. Completely missed opportunity for some required reading.

How do you write this article and not shout out the fabulous Lindy West article???

Servers aren’t the ones who created this problem. The assholes who confuse preference or diet with allergy are. It sucks- I know it’s gotten simultaneously better and tougher for people with celiac- on the one hand, more options to choose from; on the other, lots more danger that folks will assume gluten free is a

I cannot look away from this commenter’s trainwreck...

I’m seeing this pop up in numerous responses. I think the thing is that functionally, yes, there are more choices than “allergy” vs. “preference.” For servers, those are the two they need to distinguish between. Preference- leave onions off the burger, etc. Allergy- wipe down all surfaces that touched onions before

Are you saying that if the margarita had been $4.99 you wouldn’t have ordered it? Quibbling over 4 cents is not a good use of my time.

Aren’t 1, 4, and 6 redundant?

Adults who don’t like dogs should also learn this. The number of flailers when my silly dog runs up to them is astounding.

Mythbusters did this YEARS ago. And they concluded that while in theory it would’ve worked, the characters in real life would’ve been too tired/traumatized to even think of this.

Thank you for this point. They’d also have to confront their [false] belief that women are just as bad at abusing their partners as men, that women make up allegations all the time for selfish reasons, and they’d have to pretend to care that women are murdered by men as much if not more than they care that men might

I do see that it’s a *safety* issue. I don’t see how that makes it a health hazard as the OP put it. You will not get sick from going around an office barefoot nor will you cause others to.

I don’t see how it’s a health hazard to go barefoot in an office...

The first one? I’ve occasionally kicked off my shoes in the office when they were killing my feet and it didn’t impact anyone but me. I stayed in my office, took one trip down the hall to the supply closet, but that’s about it. No big deal.

This feels like the least generous interpretation. It could also be a high school freshman and a senior. It’s also not illegal in all states- some states would allow that as an acceptable age gap. That’s what bugs me. If there’s force or coercion involved, yes, absolutely a sex crime. A 14 almost 15 year old with a

The way to deal with kids who send nudes though is not to make them register as sex offenders. I think the revenge porn perpetrator needs mandated therapy and anger management, to pay restitution to his victim, and probation so that if he does this again he gets jail time. He shouldn’t have to stay 100 feet away from