I feel like if the kids are adopted or there were CPS cases involving the kids, parents shouldn’t be allowed to homeschool kids. They need to have someone other than family observing them on a regular basis to monitor for abuse.
I feel like if the kids are adopted or there were CPS cases involving the kids, parents shouldn’t be allowed to homeschool kids. They need to have someone other than family observing them on a regular basis to monitor for abuse.
I know! When I finally finished my PhD at 29 the relief was immense. I was like, wait....I get my weekends back? And then the postdoc job I got became crazy and I started having to work weekends again. I recently quit that job and got a nice calm writing job and so I have my weekends and evenings back to myself…
Thanks!! I actually have 2 jobs lined up-the industry writing job and then I have a federal associateship (National Research Council) on the back burner in case I hate the writing job and want to move out of ATL. Both job offers came within a week of each other. I will see how things go within the next few months and…
This is a weekend where I am between jobs lol. I had one job (my postdoc) end Friday and another start Monday. SO glad to be done with my postdoc and I am embarking on a new scientific writing job in industry!
Her boss.
So, I am looking for advice. I am currently finishing up a postdoctoral research fellowship and I have 1 job offer I was just given on Friday and I have a potential job offer that hasn’t come through yet. The definite job offer would allow me to stay in ATL and would be more money in terms of cost of living, but I’d…
Ya’ll, I just interviewed at a company where I would have no vacation/sick time cap (a.k.a. unlimited sick/vacation). So...if offered, should I take this job or the fellowship where I have NO paid time off authorized?
Yes, it’s totally possible. There were women in concentration camps on starvation diets for basically the entirety of their pregnancies that had relatively healthy babies (there’s a book on this, called ‘Born Survivors,’ if you’re interested).
LOL! Well there hasn’t been a department wide email sent out about it...yet.
I’m just not a big salad fan for lunch, especially as a meal. My husband and I have been trying to eat healthier-more fish and chicken, less beef, cutting out carbs. So I’ve been eating a lot more roasted/cooked veggies. For lunch, I just had roasted broccoli, sauteed green beans, and cooked cabbage with leftover…
I love looking at cool treehouse pics on Pinterest. That situation sounds terrible but the treehouse sounds cool! Can you describe it?
Have you ever had the misfortune of going to a McDonald’s that repeatedly doesn’t salt their fries? Drives me CRAZY. Because McDonald’s fries without salt taste like carpet fibers.
Glad I’m not the only one that after I see the economy booming, I think, well, when’s the next one going to hit? Because it always does. We just don’t know when. I really need to save more...
I just got home from working 9 1/2 hours. I’m drinking a big-ass Cuba Libre.
EXHAUSTED. This week has been one of those where every minute of the day has been scheduled and I had to get a planner for the next few weeks just to get everything done. And then there’s the Kavanaugh bullshit.
I just don’t know how else STEM PhD’s would have a show. I mean, I do science every day (postdoc, neuroscience-just like Amy!). Most of it is really boring. And science is INCREDIBLY slow. It’s not like in a medical show, where you can give someone an injection and wake them up a la House. I’ve been doing the same…
I made 2 recipes over the last 24 hours from the Pioneer Woman. Last night, I made Cuppa Cuppa Cake-mix 1 cup self-rising flour, 1 cup sugar, and a can of fruit cocktail (I used home-canned peaches instead that I cut up into small pieces with a pair of kitchen scissors). It was SOOO good and I’ve already finished it.…
He also gets tons of stuff free from Scientology slave labor (like, I think they redid a car or something for him).
This is my favorite sandwich: take a baguette and cut it open. Spread a thick smear of good salted butter in there. Add prosciutto, arugula and pepper. Close, eat and enjoy.
IKR? If I were her and saw that shot on the clip, I would IMMEDIATELY have had it cut out. What is that from? Her fillers, rock and roll lifestyle, what?? Also, as others have said, her makeup is WAAAY too goth in this. The dark eyebrows and hair plus her skin makes her look washed out and awful.