I changed from Zoloft to Lexapro about a year ago. I think it really helped my tendency to dwell too long on past mistakes and slights and I am less sleepy now.
I changed from Zoloft to Lexapro about a year ago. I think it really helped my tendency to dwell too long on past mistakes and slights and I am less sleepy now.
Did you listen to that recent Behind the Bastards episode where they discussed the people behind Hitler (and also this progressive movement) too?
The funny thing is, I’m an independent contractor. So my bosses don’t actually pay me or decide how much vacation time I’m given; I’m on my own grant. And he just got back from taking vacation for 3 weeks. Arrrgh.
My boss was trying to turn it into a learning opportunity because I’m leaving for another job in ~6 months. He was like, it’s not always this flexible. I wanted to tell him that yes, I agree with that. That job will also not require me to do the job of 3 people and will have a normal 9-5 schedule.
I was just this morning told by my boss that, ‘it’s been noticed that you’ve been out a lot this year.’ I took a week of vacation in February, a week of vacation in June, and I’m taking two days next week. Otherwise, I haven’t really taken much vacation over the last few years. The February trip was a saving up of…
I remember there being a case in the 90s of a woman whose cervical cancer killed her and wasn’t detected until really late. This was despite her having really bad bleeding and yet multiple Pap smears coming back normal due to overwork/error by one particular slide reader/technician. The reader/technician was a woman…
As if Trump shares anything.
I know. Stitched a woman’s cervix shut? Almost stitched a vagina closed? I just crossed my legs and had a sympathetic menstrual cramp.
Yep, it’s ALWAYS the Chinese Crested dogs, from what I can tell. They’re nakie except for a mohawk of hair, with cloudy eyes and a tongue hanging sideways out of their mouth because they have no teeth. And they’re usually ancient (like, 15-18 years old).
I applied for and got a really good score on a National Academy of Sciences postdoctoral fellowship (heard last Friday). Now just waiting for the approval from the sponsoring institution (government lab). This would be my second postdoc (currently working at a med school), but I want to move into government research…
Already pre-ordered her Victoria book!!
We got our sweet girl on Petfinder. You can find many breeds, ages, sizes, etc. on there. Typically they will tell you if the dog is housebroken (Violet was). I had a great experience with it.
Yeah, reading her tweets, they are horrible and racist and look to me like they come from a very unwell mind. I don’t think she’s sane.
Well I went on it a few years ago and now I’ve been back on it for less than a day. No weighing your food. I bought a bunch of vegetables and fruit today (all 0 points). Eggs and chicken breasts are also 0 points (which is good because I like eggs). You get a certain number of points that add up to your daily caloric…
Cuba Libre (with Coke Zero). My usual drink of choice is cider but after joining Weight Watchers, I found out that my favorite Smith and Forge is 10 points a can (nearly half my daily points) so small amounts of hard liquor it is.
Yeah, it’s awesome. Michelle mentioned in the last episode she did that she was corresponding with a (caught, of course) serial killer in prison who had a similar M.O. but I never found out who it was-it’s not in her book as far as I know. Who would have a similar M.O.? BTK?
Yeah, me too. Especially because they did a special podcast about the book. Have you heard Michelle on The Dork Forest? She did I think 3 or 4 episodes and they were great.
I hope they talk about it in tomorrow’s show! Though they may have already taped it so who knows. They will talk about it eventually, but the timing means that they could tape it today and have it up tomorrow.
WOW. That’s great. He was finally caught. So sad Michelle couldn’t have seen this.
Ooh, try making them into spanikopita! Phyllo dough + cheese and steamed greens is delicious!