
I made sausage balls (the Bisquick-shredded cheddar-breakfast sausage amalgam) and I tried to make Ina Garten’s ham and gruyere in puff pastry tonight but none of the stores had puff pastry so I made it Southern by using biscuit dough. My appetizers-as-dinner turned out well; my husband was evidently very hungry and

Duuude, you have no idea. I have so much self-doubt. Just remember that the imposter complex is very prevalent (myself included). I have the issue where, as a postdoc on 2 projects, my bosses give me way too much stuff to do and then get mad when I can’t accomplish stuff. Or think exactly the way they think.

There was actually a Lovett or Leave It podcast where Cruz’s college roommate was telling funny stories about him. It’s the one where they have Tony Goldwyn on.

Also she’s frickin’ BEAUTIFUL. I couldn’t imagine looking that great now, let alone 1.5 weeks after giving birth.

I love how every. single. picture. of her, she has visible roots. Like, she can’t ever get pictured after they were just touched up? it bad that I checked CNN just in case and was disappointed?

Who else has a dog who hates sleeping in their bed? I LOVE sleeping (well, napping, mostly) with Violet sharing our king-size with me, and she will do anything to avoid getting up on the bed with me. She’s also not a big cuddler, so that may be the reason.

I don’t have any anxiety dreams about my dissertation or my PhD. What I do have anxiety dreams about is having to go back to college or high school or getting an F in a class I took 15 years ago. And my teeth are falling out.

LOL I went through it once and I can’t imagine doing it again!!

She’s about 4 and a half. Still very puppyish. Likes to use her mouth to ‘bite’ and tell you what she wants. Also is very vocal.

Aw, thanks! I love her. Here’s another pic of her.

We think she’s part Australian shepherd, thus the blue eye and her markings.

Yeah, I give her kisses and she kind of gives my husband a look like, “Really? Fine, I’ll tolerate it but you’d better give me chest scratches after.” She likes the white area in the above photo petted and scratched.

Um, yeah. My now-husband knew I LOVED dogs, but he was always sort of ambivalent to them, and we waited a while before we got one. Now we have our precious Violet (pictured below) and I swear, that dog loves him more than me!! And he just dotes on her. But if he had said we could never get a dog before we got married,

I accidentally stumbled upon her post-mortem photos and I will remember those bed sores and her emaciated body for a long time. That was a horrible case. Her mom (stepmom?) basically left her, paralyzed and unable to help herself, in a room to die of dehydration while she was also nearly starved to death as well.

I listened to a Reveal podcast about clear typewriters recently. The episode title is “Does the Time Fit the Crime”. It talks about the company having a monopoly on clear typewriters, how expensive they are, and yet how they really help prisoners learn to write well and caused them to form writing groups.

This is a really good article about prison care packages:

This is Violet. She is an Aussie mix with an almost white eye. She loves running after squirrels and runs with her daddy. She hates baths.

LOL I know! I have a PhD and having a kid on a postdoc salary will require me to wait until I’m 33-34 (so 1-2 years) to start trying. Also, I’m working tonight until at least 8, and that’s pretty normal right now. I’ll probably be on the job market (I’m currently on it right now) so I have to time things so I’m not

Ya’ll, I’m having a little bit of career angst right now. Long story short, I’m a fourth-year postdoc (I got my Ph.D. in neuroscience in 2014) with a grant that ends in 10 months. My bosses (both PIs) are applying for grants in order to keep me on, and I am applying for faculty positions and I have an interview with a