I know! I’m horrifically busy at work and then sometimes I remember, oh, yeah, Trump is President, and so it’s just a shit sandwich on top of a shitburger.
I know! I’m horrifically busy at work and then sometimes I remember, oh, yeah, Trump is President, and so it’s just a shit sandwich on top of a shitburger.
Seriously, a year of work and compromise on ACA was ramming it through? But this process wasn’t? Hypocrites.
Oh I agree. I just hated the dental experience. I have a really bad sensitivity to vibration from the drill so even though I was numbed it was torturous. Luckily I no longer have the sensitivity to cold I was having before with this tooth.
What was the most traumatic part for you? For me, even though I was numbed, I have extreme sensitivity to the drill, so when they were drilling down to access the roots and then shaping the tooth, that was horrible. And I only got a temporary crown, not a permanent one, so I have to go back on Friday to get it!
I did make potato and onion soup with corn muffins yesterday when I finally got home! I had to stop off at some places for wine/cider and drop off my prescription so it felt like it took forever before i FINALLY GOT HOME. And then I took a bath and went to bed early because it had been...sort of a traumatic day.
Now that I have food and some hard cider on my belly I feel a lot better. I have really high sensitivity to the drill. Even though it didn’t hurt because I was numbed, the drill bit going in so they could access the tooth’s roots and then using it to shape the tooth afterwards for the crown was TORTURE. My body was…
Ya’ll, I had to get a root canal today, which sucked all kinds of ass and was exhausting. I also hadn’t eaten much (because I couldn’t chew) beforehand and so was starving and got hangry by the end. Anyone else had sort of a sucky day?
OMG and you have those cute doggiuses too? Jealous!
And less money for all those years! I basically made a little over minimum wage for 7 years with a college degree to get my PhD. That lost earning potential is something to think about too.
Thanks! Academia is sort of my fallback option atm. I have a guaranteed job for 1-2 years but would make ~$50K-$53K (with a PhD). I know that sounds like a lot but I put in a lot of work and effort to get to this point and I’m tired of being nickled and dimed on this aspect. I want to have kids soon and we’re still…
Well, more money but it would mean moving to a more expensive area (D.C.). However, one job allows for telecommuting meaning I could potentially live in ATL part-time, allowing for better cost of living on a higher salary. It’s a balance. I haven’t gotten any offers; the job posting just closed I believe.
I’m thinking about leaving my academia job (postdoc) for government/contract work. I’ve got my resume in a couple of places. Both pay significantly more than what I make now (like, more than double).
I LOVE THIS COMMENT SO MUCH. Curly hair is still seen as ‘other’ and I’ve heard that professional women who wear it curly can have trouble being taken seriously because their hairstyle isn’t sleek and perfect. I used to have a boss that has been straightening her hair for 40 years because she has really curly hair.…
What sort of secret handshake does it require for stylists to know how to cut curly hair?? And don’t get me started on how long it took me to figure out how to style my hair (until sophomore year of college, I straightened it). My mom has stick-straight, thin hair and had no idea other than to brush it to give it…
Anybody else feel guilty for ‘cheating’ on their stylist? I have curly hair (Caucasian) and I’ve used the same stylist for 3 years (and before that the same salon for 7 years; I am nothing if not a creature of habit). My stylist was busy and I REALLY needed a haircut. I have curly hair and I always resented her…
With me, too!! Happy birthday!
We had that. Are you allowed to have a rooster? In many urban areas it’s prohibited. Check with animal control.
I heard this discussed on the Dork Forest podcast from the guest, Michelle McNamara (RIP). She noted that despite the number of years Cosby spent in the entertainment field, how many actually came forward to support him when the allegations started a few years ago? Not many-maybe 2 or 3. That silence indicates that…
GUH. That mold photo looked like...they carpeted the walls and ceiling with mold. White mold, which to me just is ickier, don’t know why. Probably because I’ve experienced black mold before (flooded apartment + landlord that didn’t seem to give a shit and was cheap and just used a shopvac to vacuum up the excess water…