
I take Zoloft; have for 18 years now.

This is my pupper. Note the different-colored eyes. When she’s in the backseat and you see her staring at you in the rear-view mirror, it’s sort of unnerving.

LOL, even though I’m originally from KY, I got the stocking-up-for-snow bug yesterday for the dusting of snow we got last night. Also I shopped while hungry at Aldi, a cardinal sin.

She doesn’t but I and my pharmacy have called multiple times. I’m getting a new doctor.

This might work for me. My doctor won’t return my phone calls and my birth control prescription is out of refills.


Holy crap, 3 and 5? Why even have kids???? That seems like baby farming, just for toddlers.

Hydroxyzine IS amazing. I take it, along with benadryl and melatonin, to help my sleep. It’s mostly so I don’t scratch myself into bleeding while I’m asleep and also so I’m not woken by the itching.

Best of luck to you. I’m sort of confused-did you gain the weight before or after you went off the SSRIs or benzos? I’m also on hydroxyzine to help me sleep because of horrible eczema.

I was reading a book by a medical examiner, Dr. Judy Melinek, in NYC. She did the autopsy of a guy who, during a fight, was thrown into an open manhole where a boiling-hot water pipe had sprung a leak. The guy was down there, screaming in agony as he was literally boiled alive while fully awake and aware, and it took

There’s an autoclave at my school’s animal facility that’s big enough to do that. There’s even a sign that says to look for staff inside before closing the door and starting it. It has to be big because they autoclave all the animals’ wood chip/corn cob bedding before use.

I found out that Trump won and my lab didn’t get a grant my PI submitted on the same damn day. I have to fly out tomorrow to an enormous scientific conference in California and I’m just depressed and exhausted. The thought of having to be excited and interested in science after this week just makes me want to cry.

At least we knew how Bush was. We have no idea what this clown is going to do!!

Yeah, I’ve been snuggling my dog with a big lump in my throat as she licks my arms. I am so sad. I have a little hope but right now I’m so scared.

I know! I’m so tired and I can see it’s going to be a while until we know, probably until tomorrow

Not a shot of alcohol, but a drink of my beer. But I still had to temper myself so I didn’t die :).

I totally am! During 2 of the 3 debates, I took a drink every time Trump said something stupid.

Ugh, no to honeypot.

Good luck!

IANAL, but isn’t it not allowed to cut one child out of the will?