
I am really ok with it going until 11. I’m not some person who yells if they make one peep after sundown-my dog will bark sometimes, I’m not perfect, and neither is anyone around me. Our other neighbors do a lot of lawn maintenance, and it’s loud, but it’s never at night. But after 11 PM, that’s sleeping time. We have

Thanks for the support. I always feel like I’m making a big deal out of something like this, but I HATE getting my sleep messed with, and we’re not in college anymore.

Well, so far, they’ve kept it down after 11. Tonight I heard the bass start up, and it triggered a Pavlovian anger response. It just pisses me off that the guy thought he could pull his ‘this is my property’ at 2 fucking am (and we both rent). I’ve read over the regulations re: quiet hours for our county, and one says

I swear to FUCKING CHRIST my neighbors. For the last 2 years, the neighbors had yappy dogs that barked all night. Then they moved out and a new family moved in. Big family, lots of little kids and teenagers/20-year-olds. At first, ok.

I think I either read somewhere or saw on John Oliver that that was indeed the case-they wanted to shelter the kids from the anti-abortion protestors and the surely gruesome signs they wield. Which is truly ironic.

You know, maybe it’s just me, but I’m not seeing any signs in yards declaring support of Hillary or Trump. I have seen one or two Trump bumper stickers, but that’s it. I am seeing signs for local/state elections (like representative or sheriff) but not for the president. I went to my parents’ last weekend (KY) and

I had an intestinal blockage and had to have one of those. The most uncomfortable experience EVER. Ever. And they left it in place for days and it drained this nasty green stuff into a container hanging on the wall behind me. Also, you can’t drink anything with that, so I could only suck on a wet sponge while I had

LOVE HER. She says in How to Be a Tudor that as long as you change your linen underclothes every day, and keep your hands/face/feet clean, wear natural fibers (including leather shoes), and rub yourself all over vigorously, you won’t smell. They also had the opposite, where a guy wore the same clothes for weeks but

Yeah, my parents (staunch Republicans, though they are voting for Hillary this year due to Trump being the devil) ask, who’s going to pay for it? And I tell them that we already do! People who are uninsured who can’t pay hospital bills cause hospitals to raise all our costs so that they can cover the cost of those

Casey apparently updated online somewhere to say that she wasn’t drinking as much anymore-watching herself on the show allowed her to see how bad it got. But man, inviting strangers over to your apartment so you can get free beer? Really?

You may mean I’m an alcoholic. One was blonde (Casey-lived in Vegas) and the other was Christina.

My dad owns apartments and ‘inherited’ a hoarder with a cat when he bought the apartments. In addition to a litterbox piled a foot deep with cat poo, cat urine had gotten into the carpets/floors so bad that when he poured bleach on to clean it, he had to leave the room to let it air out. The bleach combined with the


That GIF is perfect.

My parents moved their bedroom suite into the spare room after they got new furniture WITHOUT CHECKING the bedside tables. So, um, now I know what lube they favor.

I’ve SO had this happen to me. Dad texted me and asked if I was ready for naked fun time or something like that. I immediately bought some bleach, opened my skull, and poured it into my brain.

I know, pissing contests come up at the best times, huh?

And boobs! I swear to god, I’ve seen Claire’s boobs more than I’ve seen my own.

That’s what those disclaimers throughout the 2 parts were about. It’s all about opinions. The conclusion drawn was the opinion of people on the show, and opinions are not actionable for defamation suits.

Fellow murderino, ahoy!