
Yeah, seriously. How are 3 girls supposed to split 2 closets without cat fights worthy of ANTM?

Eeee, long-haired dachshunds! So cute.

Yeah, I was listening to a My Favorite Murder hometown murder episode where a guy wrote in that his friend had a couple of dogs that got out from his fenced-in yard while he was away. He found them at a neighbor’s house, tied up outside. When he went to take them back home, the neighbor wouldn’t let him take them, as

I was just going to say that! Maybe we’re being...catfished?

Our dog is microchipped but I don’t think she’s registered in our name online. She was chipped by her foster mom.

Even when it snows only two inches, Atlantans go NUTS:

How do you go about registering the chip?

Man, I miss fall. We have a little bit of it in ATL but I miss the crisp air and fall colors (I grew up in KY). I am looking forward to giving a talk in Boston in October though-all that red and orange on the trees!

Holy crap, how horrible. I read a (now closed) blog by a school nurse who was sooo happy when the American Academy of Pediatrics came out with the policy that children with lice shouldn’t be sent home. It seemed in a lot of the cases she saw, it was children from underprivileged homes that were being sent home

I remember reading that Lacey Spears, the mom who was convicted of feeding her son fatal doses of salt through his feeding tube, may have induced ear infections in her son and in at least one other child she babysat. I can’t even fathom how she could do that.

Good point; I didn’t think about that.

The drooling thing could come from medicines her mother put her on without the doctor knowing. For example, tardive dyskinesia, caused by antipsychotics, can manifest itself by excessive drooling. But I would say that treating excessive drooling using Botox or removal of the salivary glands is overkill and the doctor

I’m making this strawberry shortcake cake.

Holy crap, I JUST did that today. Cleaned off the grime and finger cheese from the knobs, lifted off the stove cover and cleaned around the gas elements (stuff falls down there and it gets disgusting). I then cleaned the fridge.

I’m drinking a Cuba Libre and wishing I hadn’t left my Club W wine box at work on Friday accidentally. There is an amazing chenin blanc in there that I WANT. May have to make a special trip tomorrow to go retrieve it.

Now playing

And they’re not mermaids, they’re dugongs!

I helped a post-first-year med student get a poster together this week for his end-of-the-summer poster presentation about the research we’ve been doing that my boss loved.

I had an NRSA NIH grant under review this week, but now the dang eRA commons page is down for maintenance! Surely there was a week/weekend when no reviews took place so they could update it then. Refreshing the page over and over until it comes back may not be until Monday. Wish me luck on getting a good

Yeah, I was wondering about that case-in all the reports, he said he starved to death, and apparently he had a lot of abscesses (probably due to tissue loss/damage from diabetes). I know you can have weight loss with diabetes-were they not feeding him? Or was he not able to get enough nutrition to survive due to not

I love this one. Not just showing him running around the office with the little girl, but the sheer happiness she is showing.