
Another thing is, it’s not like you’re exactly at your top earning potential (meaning lots of experience) when you’re at child-bearing age either. And you probably still have your own student loans to pay off. So you’re shouldering all this financial burden at a time when you are least able to provide it. There’s

It is true that some people sell their food stamps for cash to buy drugs. People also sell their food stamps for cash to buy diapers, soap (both detergent and body) and other critical items not covered by food stamps. The question is, does the state save money by finding enough people that use drugs and kicking them

I read at Free Jinger about a woman who takes her 9 kids (like, ages 3-17) to the chiropractor for their checkups and if they get sick! One time, one of her kids got injured and she took him there versus to an actual doctor. I agree going to the chiropractor is fine for adjustments and so forth, but you need to see a

Holy crap, it’s a rare breed of person indeed who thinks that there’s this big conspiracy involving the rabies vaccines. Listen up, numnuts (like she would be reading here anyway but whatevs): rabies is endemic in North America and we try to keep rabies at bay by vaccinating our pets because raccoons don’t take kindly

Oh man I feel you. I’m 5'3" and due to a health crisis over the last year I’ve gained nearly 15 pounds. I developed this awful, itchy rash last April that is finally being taken care of due to immunosuppressants, but before that I was on all sorts of steroids, both topical and oral, that made me a) crazy b) eat more

My husband is a teacher and the rules involved are insane. Is the rule where you teach that you can’t sit while you administer the test, but have to walk around, keeping a hawk-like eye out for cheaters? That sounds so exhausting. And the bathroom break rules seem really difficult to navigate, from what I remember him

I guess that’s the good part about being OTP-the prices are lower. I would definitely like to live closer (my dream is to get one of those Craftsman-style houses around Decatur, but first I would need to win the lottery). My husband works east of ATL in Walton County, so we split our commute times (as I work near

I don’t live in NYC, but my husband and I are currently renting a 3-bedroom house in the ‘burbs of Atlanta for $1444. We wait every day for the property management company we’re renting from to send us a letter increasing our rent. If it’s not a substantial increase, we’ll probably still stay at the current house

Yep, I moved from KY to Atlanta after college for my PhD (G. State) and postdoc (Morehouse School of Medicine). I have a great start to my career so far (2 years into my postdoc) and I didn’t even have to move between grad school and my first job! I also really love the weather here. Winters aren’t crazy (well, except

I actually do preclinical (mice) research, not human. We definitely connect between the two, and use mice to accomplish treatment development that we hope will help humans, but I don’t directly work with them. What does your sister study?

Yep, I’ve lived in Atlanta for nearly 9 years now, and I love it! Great city life, good cost of living, etc. Atlanta is a hub for my field (neuroscience research) thanks to Emory, GSU, Georgia Tech, and HBCUs.

I promised myself that if I finished writing the approach section of my NRSA grant yesterday (second draft), I would take the weekend off finally. I did, so I did! I had a very relaxing day, did no work, and washed the dog with my husband. We had dinner and now we’re watching a show off Amazon instant video. So nice!

I can say it’s very good! I bought it and look forward to reading it every night!

I drank some Maeloc hard sweet cider tonight. It has a good taste but an awful aftertaste-I can’t really describe it. I haven’t ever had skunky cider but I guess it could get that way. It’s a hard cider from Spain.

I love Kathy Griffin’s comedy but the Anderson Cooper NYE stuff is just...stilted and weird.

Alternating between turning the sound on and off of NYE with Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper, whenever things get too annoying. Esp. when Don Lemon comes on. Argh, just came back on!

1/4 cup bleach in a half tub of water, or thereabouts. It’s pretty dilute, but until the swabs come back, they don’t want to give me antibiotics, which I understand, but it’s also been 7 months of hell. I’ve been on prednisone 5 times, by the way. That will do nothing to clear up a staph infection.

Hm, well, not much will top the Thanksgiving of 2013, the last full year of my neuroscience dissertation work, where I was doing research in the lab all morning after prepping everything I could the night before. Then I came home to lunch made by my husband and was laid up for the next few days with an upper

Oh. My. God this is perfect. I didn’t even think about using this in lieu of Life Alert. I can totally see something like this working for a lucid (e.g., non-demented), financially strapped and prone to falls elderly person, or one in the early but not later stages of dementia. Life Alert is always advertising, and