
Same! My mom has straight hair and was always so envious, but didn’t know how to style it at all. Lots of brushing and bangs-ugh. It took me til college to figure out how best to style it. I do straighten it sometimes, but I know it’s bad for my hair. Only doing it once in a while does make it look nice when I do,

Yes! In Bill Bryson’s At Home: A Short History of a Private Life, he said that people who left their homes to convalesce somewhere else probably got better because they were spending time away from that green wallpaper! Apparently dampness also caused the arsenic to leach out-not a great thing in the UK!

I haven’t read anything about, like, physical discipline, but because I’ve read Going Clear, I can compare the two and it seems like adult and child discipline is much the same. If you are insubordinate or make some other sort of error, you are cut off from others and basically assigned the worst tasks. I think it’s

I’m currently reading Jenna Miscavige Hill’s memoir (she’s David Miscavige’s niece) about growing up in Scientology and, yeah, that’s how kids are treated. They have to perform physical labor and do a lot of the same tasks as adults.

Aw, sweet doggies.

Wait, what? That mercury thing is making me give you a side-eye. Unless you were making fun of people that think that way. Also, detox? Not a thing that you do with food. Kale doesn’t ‘absorb’ toxins. You know what gives rid of toxins? Your liver. Which you were born with.

Sam’s club has one. It’s awesome. Especially because it has a hand scanner in addition to the scanner on the machine, so for large items (like cases of Coke and stuff) you can scan the items while they’re still in the cart. They do have a human overseeing the 4 or so self checkout lines, same as in Walmart or Kroger.

What about yellow jackets? When I was about 18, I was mowing my parents’ yard and ran over a nest of them. They stung me AND the mower. And their sting ached and then itched like crazy for a month.

This is my doggie. Note that I have NOT given her any mind-altering substances; that’s just how she often looks. My husband calls her Derp-ious. I LUV HER.

Yeah, what IS it about stylists that ask that? I found one that does a great job with my curls, and even she tries to straighten my hair to finish. Probably because she can’t get my hair to look the way I can get it to look so it looks crappy when I leave her house. Eh, I don’t care. It looks good when I get home,

Yep, I still wear a watch. Mostly so I don’t have to contaminate my phone by reaching for it when I’m suited up in PPE to see the time. Also, I don’t always have my phone on me due to teeny/no pockets.

Well, the problem often is that high schoolers start school earlier so they can get out the earliest and be home before the elementary and middle school lets out. That’s the main reason the high school in the school district my husband works at starts at 7:30; students have to get home to watch the younger kids. The

You know, it’s really because of my current mentor. In grad school, I had the same issues with crippling insecurity, mostly because I felt like my advisor didn’t like my writing or my ideas and was sort of exasperated at how long it was taking me to finish. I found the best thing with her was just to write whatever I

I have SO MUCH to do on my grant; right there with ya. I’ve had some success with the Pomodoro technique (set a timer for 15 minutes, work during those 15 minutes, take a five minute break, lather, rinse, repeat). It helped me write my dissertation.

The hubs went and got steaks today and put them into a marinade (still wishing we had a grill; we’ll buy one once Fourth of July is over and they’re on sale). We’ll have those cooked on an iron skillet along with salad, baked potatoes, corn, and brussel sprouts. I’m thinking about making these maple walnut blondie ice

I love the bad-ass-ness of Mindy Kaling; in her book, she relates the tale of when she was doing a fashion shoot with Elle Kemper. All the stylist had brought were size 0 sample sizes, so all she was going to fit in was, like, a smock. She told the bitchy stylist that she wanted to wear a certain dress (which was size

I was thinking about buying one of those kiddie pools (non-inflatable, cuz girlfriend’s got nails) for my girlie. Has he managed to puncture that one?

Luckily, my husband also has a job. But we’ve been working on that damn debt for three years now and I finally put my foot down about the consolidation.

I turned 30 today; my husband and I have been married for 3 years. My parents reeeeally want us to have a baby, but of course it’s not up to them! We’re working on paying off our debt; we each just took out a 3-year Prosper loan to pay it off. I think when that’s done, we can start thinking about having a baby. I’ve

Oh, no problem! I sort of got that it was something about paid time off, but I wasn’t sure. Yes, the US has a major problem with this-we’re the only developed country in the world without mandated vacation time for everyone.