
What is paid vacancy?

Yep. Oh, and they compounded the problem of bugs by leaving food and trash all over the walkways and entrances. And we once got a notice about about some kids taking a fire extinguisher from its place in the breezeway (like, what we should use IF THERE WAS A FIRE) and discharging it all over the place.

Yep, I had to shake my head over some of the e-mails/notices we got from the management of our old apartment complex. Apparently some kids (IIRC) poured BUBBLE BATH into the Jacuzzi hot tub, which broke the filters and created a huge mess. Also, we would have constantly screaming children right outside our window

Honestly, I think that I was a rare enough specimen (a person with a PhD) that they needed me for their market research study. I think it was through Fieldwork Atlanta; I signed up for studies several years ago and they just this past February got me in to do it. I haven’t heard anything from them since, but the extra

Aw, thanks!! We’re paying off CC debt and sometimes we get a little over-zealous and don’t leave quite enough to pay for gas and such until the next payday. This way, I can make some money and I feel good doing it. A few months ago, I also got to do an in-home interview about my dish-cleaning habits and got paid $200

Yeah, I don’t make huge amounts of money at it, and my husband’s like, WHY, when you have a Ph.D., are you working for peanuts doing transcription work on Mechanical Turk in addition to your full-time postdoc job? But I find it relaxing, I’m kicking ass at work, and I can get some spare cash to buy groceries, gas,

Hm, working on 2 NIH grants (my boss’s and mine), maybe making a little extra money on the side as well (Mechanical Turking). Clean eating (Buzzfeed FTW!). Perhaps drinks will be imbibed tonight, don’t know.

YES. Cream cheese icing forever. I’m baking a carrot cake tonight and you’d better believe I’m using cream cheese icing. Everything homemade.

I still think about the class that nearly undid me: Computer programming in my freshman year, supposedly no pre-requisites required. OMG, it was the worst! I studied for HOURS for daily quizzes that I flunked. The textbook never matched the material on the quizzes. The professor didn’t adhere to a lecturing schedule

I get mine for free now, but before I straightened things out, I was charged. I had to call and stay on the line with the woman in charge of my insurance (United Healthcare) while we navigated around and around the website to find the list of free birth control. It wasn’t easy to find the ‘Tier 1’ bc, believe me. I

I’ve heard that Blue Bell Banana Pudding ice cream is really, really good. Because I have a teeny freezer that is currently full of meat, I can’t buy the enormous 1/2 gallon ones they have at the grocery store (pictured above). Once they put out ice cream again, should I buy the smaller containers I’ve seen at

Anyone else caught up on Outlander? I love that show sooo much-as a curly-haired, pale girl, I aspire to have Claire’s beautiful skin and hair.

Currently on vacation, missing my dog like crazy. I keep thinking about what she’s doing at the kennel. Can’t imagine how it’s gonna be if/when we have kids.

So...gastroparesis? If so, that SUCKS. If not, still sucks-it sort of reminds me of how overweight/obese patients can’t get their doctors to focus on other issues besides their obesity, or thinking everything’s related to their obesity. I’d be looking for a different gastroenterologist, if you haven’t gotten one yet.

LOL, my house is empty tonight, except for me and the dog. On the way back from work tonight, I got organic hard cider and some other cider to try later in the week. I made myself a patty melt and fries, had the organic cider, and now I'm baking an apple pudding. I guess I'm in an apple-y mood. :). But no husband

A bit OT, but how do I download old episodes of TAL to my iPhone? Only the most recent episode is on iTunes. There's episodes that I'd love to listen to without having to use my computer.

This is Violet. She is now a year and a half old; probably a Aussie/German Shepherd mix. She's the one in the front with the blue eye and the brown eye.

2.-probably a week or so? Eventually my computer seems to slow down and I just start saving the stories to my bookmarks so I can go back and read them later. I actually do this when I'm bored and want something to read so I don't have to consider going back to my life (e.g., writing, reading more boring stuff like

Sorry if this gets posted twice...

I listened to the story and I agree with you. The nurses' safety in lifting patients was less of a priority than the hospitals' wanting to turn a profit and/or buy the latest surgery gizmo. And the story about the woman who was permanently disabled and had to have back surgery? Awful. They gave her a pink slip whil