

Oh man, I desperately need a wardrobe upgrade. Shirts that are pilling or I just hate now, pants that don't fit, etc. I'm trying to lose weight so I keep putting off buying the pants (and now I think I'm finally starting to lose a little weight, thanks to going to the gym with the hubs), but I just can't seem to

Holy crap, that's EXACTLY why I hate Macy's! And Kohl's! I don't care about designer, I just want to find a pair of frickin' jeans! Why do I have to go from one area to the next, looking for jeans, when Marshalls and TJ Maxx have them all together?

I had this weird fear that I would be kidnapped out of my bed (this was before Elizabeth Smart and other such abduction cases, early-to-mid 90s). So I remember trying to make myself as small as I could. I was already a really skinny, gawky kid so I would lay flat as a pancake and pull up the sheets/blankets over me

LOL, our dog loves sweet potatoes too. She always waits for the 'ends' when I'm slicing a cooked potato into rounds to make sweet potato fries!

OMG, is that from the Buzzfeed article? It featured Kate Gosselin and I laughed and laughed because that's exactly what her (former? I don't think she has it anymore) hairstyle says.

Females also experience less potency when it comes to opioids. So, opioids are less effective in managing pain in females than males. Here's some publications regarding this:

I remember reading a story by another contestant where they essentially could not drink water for, like, a day before the weigh-ins. Like, they'd be in this huge barn, working out, with sweatsuits on, no a/c, in the desert, sweating through their clothes. And they were told they had to go without water so their

1. For NYE, I sat on our king-size bed with Prosecco and citrus (combine Prosecco and citrus concentrate), watched Kathy Griffin, and pet my dog. Then my husband came in, we kissed at midnight, and then went to bed. I have NO inclination to go to Times Square, um, ever.

Urgh, and the fact that there's sticky stuff that close to your pubic hair...I won't finish the thought, but you can obviously follow the line of reasoning. I've been using tampons for a while now and I don't know how I used pads when I was younger.

I'd give ANYTHING to get our dog to do that. She is in LOVE with my husband, and she just tolerates me. I don't think she's ever gotten in his lap like that either, mostly because she's 65 pounds and he suffers enough injuries to the family jewels due to her, so he's pretty quick to get her off of him. The most

Hey, Jezzies! In a little under 2 weeks, I will officially be hooded at my PhD graduation ceremony (hooray!). I'm hosting my parents that night and planning on making lasagne and some type of dessert. In addition, I'd like to get some celebration bubbly that's not too expensive/terrible. What champagne/Prosecco

I've invited some friends of my husbands' and I over-they keep saying they want to see our new house and dog (we moved in May and got the dog in June) but we've always been really busy. Hopefully my husband will want to do something. I'm not really into our original plans, tonight, which were to see Interstellar. I

My husband has friends with an RV about the same size as theirs, and the only way I can see 13 children lying down to sleep is, like, if each child lay head to toe on the floor. Something like this:

Sorry, I know this is derailing it even more, but I've just started reading about the Rodrigues family (the GOMI Fundie forum is endlessly fascinating). I've always wondered, does the father go somewhere else to eat, while the kids eat their starvation rations? Or does Mom pile his plate full and let him eat first,

D'awww...I love it when doggies get cuddly when their mommies are pregnant!

There were many times, especially when I had a long day of dissertation research, when I came home and immediately had a shower beer. It was awesome.

Holy crap, I can't imagine coming in with my now-husband to that. People that think it's ok to essentially lynch an effigy of a black person (and make it a Thanksgiving tradition!) would not be allowed to be around me. I guess with family, you just have to grin and bear it? My mother-in-law thinks Obama is a

ME TOO. My husband and I live 6 hours from my family and his family (in different directions) so we just do Thanksgiving here. I made a Cajun brined turkey (DELICIOUS) plus mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, gravy and rolls. I also made a pecan pie for dessert. We didn't have to go anywhere, I made what I

I'm making Cajun turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, homemade rolls and pecan pie for Thanksgiving.