
I was at dinner with my husband and it was an Italian restaurant. Neither of us got alcohol, but the table next to us got a bottle of red wine and were drinking it. I could smell it and it reminded me about how much I love red wine. I don't usually drink it during the summer because it's so hot and red wine is, to

A little OT, but I once got an insider's peek at an elephant cage. The keeper (while feeding her jelly beans, ADORBS) told us that though the floor felt hard to us, it was actually soft to the elephants, as they were putting a lot more pressure on it because of their weight.

Every time I watch this, I'm thinking, watch the neck WATCH THE NECK WATCH THE NECK!!!!! I assume he's fine, but seeing the mom pick him up by the head gives me heart palpitations every time.

OH MY GOD I have that dream all the time! I'm currently on vacation after defending my dissertation proposal, and yet I had a dream last night where I had to take the requisite 4 high school classes (block scheduling). I particularly remember the part of the dream where I had to schedule something during the time

Jesus, that's awful. It sounds like they singled him out for abuse and treated their daughters like princesses. And charging your own child (I'm assuming under-18) rent? That's horrible.

That sounds like a form of abuse to me. His sisters got dental care and he didn't, even though he needed it? What kind of parents are they?

If you don't mind me asking, why are you trying to limit your egg intake? Eggs are a great source of protein and eating them will not give you a heart attack due to cholesterol. Probably overrode that with the 1/2 cup of crisco in the quiche crust, though.... :)

I prefer sweet riesling, so other than that, I don't really drink whites. But reds seem so dark and go well with winter foods, but not summer ones. I'd say if you like sweeter whites, go with a riesling or a moscato.

Do you find yourself enjoying white wine more in the summer and red in the winter? I definitely am that way.

Those in science grad school, I have a postdoc question for you. How far out did you start applying for your postdoc/after-grad-school job? I'm hoping to graduate at the end of this spring (PhD in Neuroscience), but I've found some really awesome job listings I'd love to apply for. Is this too far out to get any

I'm using the same thing. Ceramic pie plate that I got from my mom a long time ago. Good to hear it turned out fine!

Sounds good! I'm planning on adding spinach if this works out. I don't have a fancy-schmancy tart pan with a removable bottom, and my pie crust looks a little like a 5-year-old did it, but hopefully it'll taste just as good!

Do you have a local source for your lamb steak or are you able to find a good source from a conventional grocery store? Do you grill your lamb steak?

WOW that sounds awesome. I went to Kroger today and may have bought 3.5 liters of wine. Hey, it was on sale! And I ended up saving us $48, so I'm counting that as a win. I plan on enjoying a glass of chilled Riesling with my quiche when it's done :).

What's everyone cooking tonight? I'm making Cowboy Quiche, from the Pioneer Woman. Homemade pie crust, etc.

I've found myself in a position where all my clothes (jeans, shirts, etc.) either don't fit me or are uncomfortable. I've gained more than 15 pounds in the last year (from 131 to 147 now) and it's scared me so much about my weight and appearance that I'm getting back on track and trying to get myself to be more fit

Yeah, I've never been into redheads, but he's changed me! Probably because of his lovely auburn curls...

Yum. I keep posting these from the same photo shoot (Marie Claire), but DAMN that man is handsome.

If it's all casual dating and everything's consensual, I don't see a big deal with someone who is 22 (or so-I don't know how old you are, so I'm making some assumptions here) dating 18-year-olds. I don't even think someone who is 26 or 28 dating an 18-year-old is that weird. I could see a 45 or 50-year-old guy

I hate this idea that less sleep = a better worker in people's minds, because you're so committed that you'd neglect your personal health for the bottom line of the company (which is often willing to throw you under the bus at the least provocation). I also hate the thought that an early riser is someone who is