It’s funny how Vin Diesel’s face somehow looks like the most generic video game character ever.
It’s funny how Vin Diesel’s face somehow looks like the most generic video game character ever.
They made a big deal with Microsoft that gives them a cut of digital purchases made on consoles that Gamestop sells..
In Game Stop’s defense (a sentence that is very painful for me to write), they have been trying to branch out into non-game merchandise, like plushies, t-shirts, Funko Pops, statues and other geeky stuff. Will it save them? Probably not, as most of this stuff can be found elsewhere and no one really goes to Game Stop…
I worked for a certain big box home improvement company that used scheduling “rewards” for pushing credit card applications. The more people you got to apply, the more hours you could qualify for. Obviously, this was bullshit but it really sucked for the overnight restock people who were held to the same standard even…
Thats because you have a bunch of higher ups with degrees in “Business” from various colleges that think they have the first fucking clue how business work in the real world, and not in a book. It breeds a culture obsessed with number and ONLY number with no real world idea of how you actually achieve those numbers.…
“Dance, monkeys! dance!” - corporate.
This ones easy. Find out where relatives of Gamestop execs are buried and do the dance on their actual graves and send it in. Bonus points if you get a fake headstone with the still living execs names on it in the background.
This is a nightmare and Gamestop employees should universally boycott this kind of shit. Obviously Gamestop is one of the worst offenders, but boy is the retail world a hellscape.
“Dance you stupid pitiful monkeys! Dance for your overlords!”
I tried this despite hating every Battle Royale not named “Fall Guys” because the trailer and concept seemed really neat, and I am enjoying it quite a lot. The movement and abilities are really fun to use.
Reading that last part my hand involuntarily started back-slapping.
Still, you would think Marvel would be on its best behavior after the whole controversy of it erasing Kitty’s Jewish identity.
Dave Cockrum, Chris Claremont & John Byrne are turning over in their graves at this abomination. Good lord whoever did this should be ashamed. I mean do they try & make Wolverine look darker? Banshee less Irish? Let me help you Storm is from Africa. If you want her origin story I will loan you my copies of X-Men 102 &…
Looking at the ears, this was pretty clearly intended to be a lighting effect, probably meant to communicate “celestial.” This is ironically kind of accurate to many West and Central African religions, which held that the afterlife is hilariously well lit and would occasionally result in groups mistaking the first…
Plus, there’s shit like New Mutants. In which Sunspot, a character who is supposed to be Afro-Brazillian in the comics, is played by a white guy in the movie because the Director/co-writer didn’t care much about colorism and wanted someone who “looked rich”.
My thought on he notion that even in Last of Us’s structural new world, trans people will still suffer for being trans, isn’t necessarily true. He had the misfortune of being raised by this ultra-conservative group, but other communities may have been more indifferent. He was sort of used as a plot device to that…
Great piece, I do just love Lev for all the times he saves my ass in the game. It was so nice to have him around, alil bit of yoda character for Abby, but boy oh boy did I care about him by the end, felt a bit like Joel and Ellie from 1, as Abby I woulda torn the world apart to save Lev.