
Seriously. Why is anyone paying this much attention to a bunch of parasites.

This somehow seems inevitable, but are we not burying the lede here? At the bottom of the Diana The Musical article is the announcement of the forthcoming Broadway debut of Summer: The Donna Summer Musical.

Well this won’t turn into a PR dumpster fire at all.

I could see him leaving in 2019, if Democrats trounce Republicans in the House so thoroughly that he loses his speaker position. Until then, no way - he’s finally starting to get what we wants. Ryan didn’t spend 10+ years of fooling gullible journalists and writers into thinking he was some serious policy wonk, just

This is an interesting conversation, because unlike some conversations about pay disparities, neither of these people is a household name. It seems hard to justify large disparities if they have similar disparity and air time.

I love Kristen and Dax as a couple, but I feel they are constantly testing me.

Swift thinks that EVERYONE has wronged her; that’s why I find her music so intolerable. At some point, if everyone reacts to you the same way, you must accept that you are the problem.

Prefer this one:

Also tattooing onto bones/joints like that is a horrible sensation. I have a little tat near my ankle joint. The pain is fine, but that feeling of vibrations in your bones is the one I’ve never gotten used to.

“Used to be friends with” seems right for someone like that.

My brother would be the type to make one of these shitty ass comments and he’s 31 and lives with my parents and has no job.

Agreed re receipts. Far more egregious, using the term “receipts” without actually having any!

I get that the internet exists so every dipshit can broadcast their opinion, but literally what is the point of ragging on a movie that you aren’t interested in based on a 2 minute trailer. Does it fill your cold, cold heart with joy? Do you think that Sandra Bullock and her gazillion dollars gives a shit what you

Let’s start a female led “Die Hard” rumor. Because nothing is sacred, fellas.

(dis)honorable mention: Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee and JUSTIN BEIBER. Because what Beiber did to that song was ruin it with his horrible “Spanish”. The original song is sweet perfection tho.

I am so sick of the Chainsmokers I want them to start chain smoking and prematurely die.

Katy Perry is still rich as hell and successful, but she really seems to be struggling artistically in this new era of music. I can’t quite put my finger on why, either - you’d think if she wrote some bubblegummy songs she’d flourish (I’ve had more than my fill of grim songs this year and last year).

I enjoyed his early work (Basketball Diaries, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape...) but in everything he’s done in the past 20 years I’ve always felt that Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance style can best be described as “the best actor in a high school theater troupe.”

I have objectively bad taste in music, genuinely like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and One Direction, and usually like at least half the songs on any year’s worst list. The only song on that list that even I could tolerate was Feel It Still, and that was only for a couple of weeks.

Oh, hey, same here! Except I wasn’t nineteen. I was twenty-nine. And my artist didn’t say it because of the constant motion. He said it was because the skin is too thin there, and the ink will just literally fall out. Same exact spot on my wrist, though.