
Right? I get people who want to be on the Bachelor for fame, even though I wouldn’t do it, but who the hell has already been looking for love for years at 22?

I also feed squirrels! I feel like people think I’m nuts, but they are so nice. She had a carrier apparently. I hope this girl is never allowed to get another pet.

This thing looks like it came from the Doctor Who episode with The Silence. No thanks.

I have whiplash now from reading that interview.

Thank you!

I’m a sober alcoholic (4 and a half years sober) and it is a pain to tell people oh, I don’t want a drink and then they act like I’m judging them because they are drinking. Like I don’t want to tell everyone I meet but sometimes I want to scream at people that hey, drinking was a problem form me but I don’t assume

It was about 1.5 million. I really don’t think people understand that not only do you get less if you take a lump sum but also a lot gets taken out for taxes.

The money was honestly a relief for my parents, who thought they would have to work into their 70s and for me, since they paid my school loans and I had settled into constant dread I would never pay those off. My parents paid off their house and don’t worry about whether they will have enough money every paycheck now.

Yeah, the people asking never goes away. My dad had friends who he hadn’t seen in years call and ask for money, one years later. After taxes the smaller sums don’t come out to much (I mean, it is still a lot, but not like give everyone cash all the time a lot).

After taxes my dad got a lot less than 4 million, but still a lot of money. He paid off mine and my sister’s student loans, which were about a 100 grand each and paid off my parent’s house. My family is working class, having that money allowed my parents to not have to worry paycheck to paycheck but my extended family

My dad won $4 million dollars on a scratch ticket (which is still insane to say and it was years ago now) and his winning that money basically ruined my immediate family’s relationship with extended family, so I totally understand wanting to stay anonymous and wish my dad had had that option.

Both Snackwells and raisins taste like failed dreams and sadness.

Same, and I’ve lived in Massachusetts my entire life. Everyone is so sad this morning and I’m like screw Tom Brady, he sucks.

I feel like Kim just does whatever Kanye wants. I think I’m just weirded out that he went through her closet and told her what to wear and also emailed her and told her not to wear big sunglasses.

Yeah, Selena’s mom has also been out there talking about how she hates Justin Bieber (which same but stfu when its your kid) and how Selena makes her own decisions about that. Apparently the two aren’t talking right now and it seems like she is on a vendetta against her daughter, which is more sad than anything else.

I’ve been watching the X-files reboot out of nostalgia but it has not been good at all. I am super excited for Sister Sister though, I have a twin sister and we used to love watching that show and then lamenting that our twin life was nowhere near as fun.

The mall next to my hometown is doing just this. They are no longer going to be a mall and are renovating to be a “mixed use” space with retail stores and possibly some condos. I haven’t been in the place in years because it has been like three stores and roaming bunches of suburban teens for a while now. I don’t know

I can’t imagine there is anything they can say that would make it seem less weird or that would change anything. And if Arie is going to have a talk with some women in her early 20's about growing up and being more mature and realistic about love and romance all I will be able to do is laugh because he is a 36 year

I’m so skeeved out by this season because even though they chose an older Bachelor they still kept with the trend of casting women in their early 20's. I get that those women are also a big segment of the audience of the show but it is so weird to hear a 22 year old talk about love and forever romance with a 36 year

2017 was a dumpster fire but of course it was a good year for massively wealthy people who only got wealthier.