
That sounds awful. I camped in the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia/Florida and being so close to alligators always makes things ten times worse.

I think some old people do stuff like that because they think no one will ever say anything to them about it because they are old. I mean, I know that a lot of older people don’t have a lot of money because our country sucks at elder care but I also know a few old people who will try to get away with stuff because

Oh my god I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought that. I literally clicked on the link because I was like “hmm, I think that is Joe Alwyn but why would he be wearing a cold shoulder top?”

I live in a one bedroom apartment with a kitchenette instead of an actual kitchen, escaping to somewhere smaller sounds nightmarish. Also, no one can fool me into going camping by telling me I get to stay in a tiny house. Fuck that.

You could not pay me money to go sleep in the woods. Years ago I had to live in a tent for a week in a swamp with no toilets clearing brush and it was a nightmare I have yet to get over. I would rather escape from my millenial anxiety in a hotel room in a city.

Good, Mariah messing up on live tv and not giving a shit gives me life.

I am both lactose intolerant and a sober alcoholic so I can’t drink eggnog with or without booze.

I think a lot of people my age (29) remember him as that funny guy we all liked from SNL and watch him because of that. Frankly, I found him to be really annoying on SNL, constantly laughing at his own jokes, but it seems like a lot of people my age really loved him.

People who chew directly into the receiver of the phone while talking to me is one of my biggest pet peeves because it sounds so gross. I do a lot of transcription at work as well and my boss constantly eats while dictating material and it drives me up a wall.

You can’t take an embryo from a womb and put it in another one. In these situations sperm and egg are combined in a lab to make an embryo.

My mom is neutral on Willie Geist (she also watches these shows every day and never remembers anyone’s name) but I think Willie Geist is kind of creepy seeming.

Yeah, sorry if I sounded harsh, it has been a long day.  I find that Jezebel is not very good at summing up the source articles they get their info from.

No, CF can make men infertile and was the case here. Read the article.

I know adoption isn’t easy, but this couple was going to adopt and then her father brought up embryo adoption and they ended up going with that. They plan to still adopt a living child in the future. I do think it’s rude for anyone to question a person’s choice when it comes to how they have a family but I wanted to

The National Embryo Donation Center is a mainly pro-life organization who I suspect did this as a publicity stunt to get more attention to their cause. I’m sort of glad they put their money where their mouth is and actually work to get people to “adopt” embryos but I’m still suspicious of their motives.

We need to stop with the Diana stuff. I doubt her children want a musical out there that brings back up the fact that their dad only married her because she was royally appropriate and that neither of them actually liked each other. Just let the woman rest in peace.

I can’t imagine him leaving until Republicans either completely gut Social Security and Medicare or Democrats take control of the House and it becomes impossible for him to do that. Of course once he does that, old people will completely revolt on the Republicans and he’ll have to leave.

This is anecdotal, but my mom is sort of the usual age for morning shows (in her 60s, retired) and she loves Good Morning America. She also loves Savannah Guthrie but she loves the women on GMA who talk about their kids and new food trends and then for the men, she likes the guy who does the pop culture news who is a

I meant it more in the sense of why would he think he actually had any sort of cinematic expertise than people who run trivia aren’t doing stuff with their lives. I’ve met many a bar trivia host who seems cool. Just not this one.

Half these men commenting remind me of this guy I used to be friends with who would negatively post about every remake or movie with women as the lead and couch it all in pseudo-cinematic jargon. I was like dude, you still live in your parents’ house and you work leading trivia at a dive bar, cut the shit.