
I feel like if I hear the word “receipts” one more time in a revenge song I am going to go insane.

Leonardo DiCaprio is that guy who you thought was really cool in high school but now you’ve realized that he takes himself WAY too seriously.

Yeah, I think the main takeaway was it would not be worth the money to get a tattoo in a spot where the tattoo will not last or look good for very long. I ended up getting the tattoo slightly lower on my arm and besides needing one touch up in ten years, it’s been fine and I’m glad the artist didn’t just do it. I also

That look really weird and crappy but elbows are also really hard to tattoo and do upkeep on because of the constant movement. When I was 19 and wanted to get a tattoo right where my wrist bends the tattoo artist refused to do it because he said I would spend the rest of my life getting touch ups because it would fade

Twitter is the place where people are the fucking worst. The girl from Fifth Harmony was a total jerk but then damn, why did that person responding to her also have to be a total dick? I almost never go on Twitter anymore because it seems to bring out the worst in people.

I think the laws around ear cropping were created because cropping ears in your house (like this lady did) creates all sorts of opportunities for infections and since she is not a vet I doubt she knows how to make the process a painless one. I am not really a fan of breeders in general and I agree that we need to

I agree with everything you said and I also want you to know that I love your cat.

Thanks Ann Coulter, don’t speak for all of us single people, I’m happy, probably because I am not a miserable racist like you. I also support helping out working families more even if it won’t benefit me because I’m not a selfish troll. (Which doesn’t mean I support the GOP tax bill, that thing is a mess)

Tucker Max is gross and horrible but I’m not going to fault Tiffany Haddish for working with someone who has sold books to get her memoir published. The publishing industry is not known for publishing or promoting works by writers of color, it is way way more difficult for a person of color to get their work published

I feel like they probably think they did great work in their past roles that had nothing to do with the law and everything to do with working with people in high places and probably feel that they deserve these positions (and a guaranteed lifetime salary) for being able to make important friends. I doubt they actually

“Any of you blog?” And, to clarify: “Any of you ever blogged in support of the Ku Klux Klan?”

That is one ugly-ass statue. It looks like they hadn’t finished it when it was stolen.

I’m a New Englander and while Minnesota is way colder than here, I agree that this is what I already do. The high was 26 degrees today, they can tear my cardigans and wool socks from my cold, dead hands.

I died laughing reading this. My cats would never leave me alone if I smelled like herring and the idea of sleeping naked is terrifying because I’m sure one of them would wind up scratching the shit out of me.

“Well, that’s the sign of somebody who—well, we can work with that”

I love this cat, he is like, yes, I will assist you with these dumbass dogs as long as that entails biting their tails and leashes. My cat used to bat at my poor dog’s head (RIP, she was old and the cat didn’t like that she would stand in front of her and bark).

Hey Paul Ryan:

Yeah, maybe if Republicans hadn’t already screwed women over and continually try to do so more women would consider having more children. I don’t get my health insurance through my work place and Republicans are trying to take away my affordable ObamaCare insurance so how the hell do they think I am going to afford to

Don’t just thank black women for this win- hire black women, support black women, vote for black women.

I think a mix of all three. Senate Republicans are already saying they won’t let Jones be seated until the election is certified and they really want to push that back until their tax vote is over.