
Boehner is also a notorious smoker (as in smoked even in his DC office) so that may also contribute to the wrinkles. I mean, it is pretty obviously mostly the tanning, he looks like leather.

Hope Hicks looks like she forgot she was going to a daytime event. Also, that coat looks like a sweater I wear around my house when it gets super cold.

Who is the woman with John Boehner? Because they look like they would make the perfect fake-tanned couple. (Not speaking of Callista Gingrich, she has her usual robot look.) Also, where can I get Huma Abedin’s dress (I probably couldn’t afford it but I need it.)

Why would anyone want to make the next four years worse than they already will be by watching something created by Shia LaBeouf?

I was at the bank yesterday doing a work deposit right before it closed and the higher management people were talking about Trump appointees and one of them said that Kellyanne Conway was the most underappreciated, underestimated people on the team. I was like, ummmm.... This outfit further proves him wrong.

Yes! I keep trying to find the right word to describe him and I think smarmy is the right word.

ugh yes, I almost couldn’t watch the show Travelers on Netflix when I saw he was in it.

I don’t think any sitcoms from that time period would work very well now. I think we’ve all kind of moved on in our tastes and none of these shows seemed to have aged well. See also- Friends.

I don’t think I’ve ever really thought of studios losing money through piracy, but then again I always pay for the shows and movies I watch because I am still haunted by the days when pirating music and tv more often than not meant getting a computer virus that killed your computer. That is how 15 year old me broke my

I feel like Bella Thorne will do or say anything at this point for some attention. It’s the Disney Channel star method of “growing up,” pioneered by Miley Cyrus and her ilk.

No, you clearly don’t have more respect than that, Andros Georgiou, because you are speculating about how someone you haven’t talked to since 1998 died. I expect him to release the music as soon as talking about how George Michael may have died is no longer news-worthy.

So, if this is your true belief, you aren’t going to have sex with any women, right? Unless you help them pay for their birth control? Or are you one of those guys that think because it is the woman who gets pregnant you shouldn’t have to deal with any of the contraceptive stuff and it’s not your problem if a

Yeah, her saying she tried to feed him protein shakes to get his weight up is not going to fly in this situation. If your 12 year old is the weight of the average three year old and you haven’t brought him to the doctor, it is more than likely because of starvation.

Funny Chaffetz is mad at the OGE and is looking for a new way to get rid of it so soon after the House Republicans voted to get rid of it and then had to turn around on the whole issue because regular people realized how horrible that would be and called their representatives. They aren’t even being sneaky with this

This is like the white woman version of “not all men.” Aka meaningless.

Those memorial service pictures look like they were taken with some sort of long range lens of what was supposed to be a private event, which skeeves me out. What kind of person sits really far away trying to take pictures of a private moment of people grieving?

Implied but not said in Jude Law’s comment: You never really live until until you have kids (so you can screw their nanny).

If they were way cheaper I would totally buy them as a joke for my sister and brother-in-law, who are obsessed with their cats but would think they were tacky.

Yeah, not racism Bo Bice. Go peddle your need for attention elsewhere. Also, I’m still going to eat at Popeye’s because Popeye’s is fucking delicious. There is one Popeye’s in my city and I miss living in New Orleans where they were everywhere.

I know Laura Wasser is supposedly the best celebrity divorce lawyer out there, but if Angelina Jolie is acting on her advice with all of this, she is giving terrible advice because Angelina has been coming out of this divorce looking like a jerk who doesn’t want Brad to have any access to their kids. Maybe there is a