
Best advice anyone could give. And for anyone thinking they might have a drinking problem, that’s a great start for attending AA. You don’t have to say to yourself, I’m definitely an alcoholic, to be able to attend AA, you just have to want to listen to other people talk about their experiences. My home group (aka the

I can’t be rational in this situation because I think olives are gross.

Didn’t he plant an olive tree in her yard for her birthday/some holiday? What the hell is she going to do with that thing now?

The idea of sleeping in someone else’s bed and using someone else’s stuff weirds me out. Probably not any dirtier than a hotel room that thousands of other people have used, but I still think Airbnb is not my thing.

I kind of wonder why she would ask for spousal support if that was the case. If she gave him an ultimatum to sober up and he didn’t and she could no longer be with him, my first thought would be that she would try to get the divorce over with as quickly and painlessly as possible, rather than asking for spousal

This reminds me of an episode of CSI where the backstory was that a woman decided to leave her human life and go live as a cat in a mansion because she wanted to experience being taken care of and loved like cats are, which although it doesn’t appeal to me, I get it and I get why people would do this for sexual or

She and I have the same birthday, except I am two years older than her and obviously an old crone by Hollywood standards.

Without the beard I can only see him as little Jimmy from Degrassi. With the beard- totally fuckable, without the beard- would only watch him play a Canadian high school student on tv.

1700 calories a day seems really reasonable to me, or at least infinitely more reasonable than promoting eating 30+ bananas a day, which the other woman does.

I really needed this post because I have broken the straps on three work purses and people keep telling me to take stuff out of my bag but what I really need is a bag to hold all the shit I need throughout the day without breaking.

Yes, Lowell, aka Bradley James, and Ravi are/were amazing!

MSNBC has been a garbage fire lately. First they fired or forced off the air most of their reporters of color and now they think we need to hear what men think of how Hillary Clinton handled Bill Clinton cheating on her, even though 1. who cares what men think about this and 2. it is totally irrelevant about how she

I can imagine seeing some of the pictures of the flowers on a spring wedding themed Pinterest board (which I have hated since my sister made me join multiple group pin boards dedicated to wedding stuff when she got married), I wouldn’t have known from some of these pictures it was Harry Potter themed unless you told

All the characters are supposed to be in their late 20s, which is weird for the CW because all their shows (except my dearest love, Supernatural) tend to really skew toward teens. I’m 28 and I watch it and love it and sort of feel like it is suitable for me as an adult woman who also loves shows about zombies.

I feel like I have a type now, just like the CW/WB, because I think Robert Buckley is super attractive and I just noticed now that you pointed it out that he looks like a younger Jensen Ackles, who is my dream man.

Lea Michele is dating one of my tv boyfriends, Major Lilywhite from iZombie? She probably doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinions about her boyfriends, but Robert Buckley seems really nice and funny, despite the fact that I learned on twitter he is best friends with Stephen Colletti from Laguna Beach.

This is one of those times I am really glad my mom bought me pepper spray and insists I carry it in my purse. If some guy from the AFA comes up to me in the bathroom protesting Target’s rules, I will pepper spray him in the face because he is being a creepy predator, not the transgender people who are just trying to

These assholes will all be sneaking back in Target in a week or so when they need to stock up on the cheap stuff Target sells.

“Who wants to leave a one week old baby to go to a bar?” I’m guessing many parents who need a little bit of a rest. Just because you have a baby doesn’t mean your only role in life suddenly has to be being attached to your baby 24/7. Damn.

I watched this at work with the sound off like five times. I’ll have to watch it again at home with the sound on to learn something about kitten training besides that it requires all the treats (and see tiny kittens in tiny outfits again!)