
Conservative men ideally don't want any women voting, even the conservative ones. My mom had a birth certificate with no first name because you didn't have to give your baby a first name to leave the hospital back then. Her parents, being poor immigrants who never learned fluent English, never went back to change her

I feel like a lot of police officers, if someone did call the police, would just say to get over it when someone touches someone's pregnant stomach and now there is a law on the books that makes it clear that you can't just tell someone to get over being touched when they don't want to be just because they are

I cut my cornea when I was like 9 because someone hit me in the eye by accident with a cardboard box. It hurt like hell and I had to wear an eyepatch for a couple of weeks.

Somehow I saw about a minute of the TMZ coverage (I did not know TMZ had a tv show until today, when I was trying to change the channel from when I left it on the World Series last night) and they seemed to definitely be against the mother of the child. The whole minute I watched was focused on how she got money for

I see this dumb commercial her in the US all the time and the sandwich shoving bothers me less than the general stupidity of the commercial. I guess I just watch late night tv on terrible channels.

She is absolutely horrible. People mostly talk about her being physically ugly; I don't care about that, she is intellectually ugly to the point where I wouldn't understand why anyone would listen to her. She also hates women more than MRAs do.

People have always complemented me on my hair and nothing else. My mom never wants me to cut it and has dyed her hair to get my same color for years. I've always kept it long because I just like how easy it is to style my stick-straight long hair. I wasn't devastated when a drunk friend smushed gum in my hair and I

Oh, and Isaac Miszrahi, please get over the sentimentality and donate your clothes. They will be loved and worn by others. I used to have trouble donating my clothes because I had worn them on "special" occasions, but I realized that many occasions aren't that special and that other people could use discounted

Seth Rogan, welcome to the world of us non-celebs. We all get screwed by airlines. Kelly Clarkson's dress is beautiful and I am going dress shopping with my twin sister next week and I want her to get something similar but without the expansion at the wrist. Anna Camp and Rebel Wilson are my favorite. Lastly, welcome

I was once told I looked like Adele. I was also flattered, she is beautiful and I think I always look like a complete mess. My sister however, was horrified, and claimed the person was basically calling me fat.

I can maybe understand Rashida's tweet in the sense that it is true in our culture that women are valued most for their looks and sell more records by dressing in a certain way. However, she isn't making that point. She also doesn't recognize that we also slut-shame those women and speak of/treat women terribly for

I sometimes think dogs can find their little lifelong best friends, even though a marriage ceremony is certainly excessive. I only have one reason/example to think this though. My dog has hated all other dogs since she was a puppy. I am sure most of the reason is that we spoiled her too much, with a side of her having

I love Something Corporate, they were my absolute favorite band when I was 15. I also hated Laguna Beach, so this is very weird for me.

I too love Sprite after a night of drinking. It just tastes so refreshing.

Also, I don't care what kind of degree you have. You contributed to the death of children who cannot be immunized and your children are infecting other children. A degree does not mean you are smart and have any authority to kill other kids because you do not hate vaccinations.

Wow, I would not care that you do not vaccinate your children because they are special snow flakes but you are putting other kids at risk for these diseases because you don't think your kids need immunization. Also, even if you build your children's immunity, all of the other children with ACTUAL diseases and not just

I also wanted to add, intelligence is not defined by if you went to college or not, my original post definitely seemed to suggest this and that was not what I wanted to imply.

The kindergarten I went to (it was for kids whose parents worked at the same company my mom worked at and was cheap in the 80s when I went there) had a whooping cough outbreak about 5 years ago because people were not vaccinating their kids. I was amazed because my parents, who never went to college, were smart enough

I am so excited! I have to think for a little while because I feel like I want everything on the shoes and I need to tone it down a bit, but I will write to you on etsy tomorrow with my size and an idea of what I am thinking of.

Have you tried using different blankets from each other? I've dated people who really like having a blanket on and I will always kick the covers off in the middle of the night, so each of us having our own blanket has really helped. I am also not much of a cuddler, so having my own blanket hasn't been a problem when