
I just finished "Rule and Ruin: The Downfalls of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party from Eisenhower to the Tea Party" by Geoffrey Kabaservice. It is a good pick for the political situation we are in now and I felt like it was a weird coincidence that a book I started months ago is so relevant right

So, I like the shoes you've painted, and this may seem weird, but I am looking for some shoes with a Supernatural (the tv show theme). With the Impala and other types of symbols from the show, but not with any of the characters on it. Would that be something you would do?

I'm going to be blunt here. That lady is a grade A asshole. You never made any sort of gesture or said anything to indicate that they had to choose you or him or that the family could not talk about your ex in front of you. My guess (and I only know what you wrote and my own life experiences) is that the ex didn't

I get Depo Provera shots every three months at my local Planned Parenthood and I love it. I mostly use birth control to control my periods, so not having a period at all has been amazing to me. I almost got an IUD but then I kept hearing horror stories from friends of people that had major problems from the IUD moving

I would not even reuse a piece of floss that had been exclusively used by me. That is just gross.

Only a true asshole would steal a bed and food from an actual homeless person when there are already not enough beds or food for people who are homeless.

A leather dress won't be uncomfortable for a baby or anything. All of the Lanvin stuff is very cute though.

I'm 25 and I had a copy of Prozac Nation when I was a teenager and I thought she was annoying even then. I think the movie came out right when I hit a stage where I felt like no one understood my teenage self so I bought the book. I do read the Daily Beast, if you go to the site they actually have some good articles.

I'm 25 and I had a copy of Prozac Nation when I was a teenager and I thought she was annoying even then. I think the movie came out right when I hit a stage where I felt like no one understood my teenage self so I bought the book. I do read the Daily Beast, if you go to the site they actually have some good articles.

I just realized that I haven't changed my name on here, I guess it should be wants more wine but can't have any because of my borderline liver failure. That would be way too depressing though.

Ever since I stopped drinking (long story, I am a mid 20s alcoholic), I have been drinking so much coffee and iced coffee every day. I guess it makes sense since at AA they always have coffee and all the alcoholics I know who have stopped drinking drink tons of coffee and usually drink it black, but I couldn't imagine

I never talk to the protestors outside my Planned Parenthood. In some ways, I think it makes them more mad that I pretend not to hear them shout at me about how I don't need to kill my baby when I go get my birth control shots every few months. They all really want to be heard and not saying anything or acknowledging

As a child I think I could probably eat everything and not get sick just because kids seem to bounce back from anything. The teenage boys will more than likely be fine, just don't mention anything to the moms. I think my mom when I was that age would have gone, eh whatever, even if another mom told her there may have

Oh goodness, another of my childhood terrors. Get it away, ahhhhhh.

The Pillsbury Doughboy has long looked like he will murder us all. He probably deliberately place the plastic in the cinnamon rolls.

I think I have that sheet in orange floral. I feel terrible saying that because I actually like the rest of the collection. Just not the weird white and orange floral stuff.

Number one, Kerry Washington is lovely and I wish she would marry me or lend me all of her clothes. Also, Ed Sheeran, I have been napping a ton too because I am a temp and have been waiting to hear back from the place I have been working. Awesome: napping, Shitty: not making any money.

That. cat. is. beautiful. Someone let me pet that cat. It will make my life.

Oh, and by the way I am 25 and I hope the other women my age or younger realize this "man" aka infant is disgusting and won't go anywhere near him.

Dude, I will only give my sperm to the ladiez at the club who are willing to risk STDs to sleep with me. If they get pregnant and a baby comes out, I will certainly turn and run the other way from any parenting even though I totes said I wouldn't do that. Fuck all y'all bitches.