
So all the "sign carrying harpies" that constantly try to give me pamphlets and fetus models at Planned Parenthood (who tell me that there are other options) when I go for my birth control are actually feminists? No way. I seriously jump over the painted protest line when going in so they can't try to pass me their

I definitely take more offense that she is terrified of old people. How can you be terrified of old people? I don't care about the state of her boobs.

Men need to realize that we women of the world really aren't turned on by a picture of a dick. Most of the time we are either grossed out or go, meh, looks like every other penis men have showed me. I know he didn't mean to post the picture on twitter, so no big deal, but that picture must have originally been taken

I hate Rush Limbaugh and all those like him. Today I was waiting for the T and someone stopped at the light right next to me was listening to an extremely racist commentary about going to a gas station in LA. Myself and everyone else waiting for the T looked over at the guy in the car and he quickly turned down his

Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris had their baby a while ago, I think it was even in a different Dirt Bag. I just know way too much about the people on Supernatural.

After a quick glance, I thought the ones in bulk were weird colored hot dogs. Now I really want a hot dog. And for no one to ever give me a creepy fetus doll.

I have an idea, let's keep the DREAMers and send Steve King somewhere else. No other country will want him though. Are there any islands that aren't currently claimed by a country, or maybe an abandoned oil rig somewhere?

Oddly enough, my kitten does the same thing with my 11 year old dog. The dog hates her, but she is convinced she is a little puppy and will lay in the same positions as the dog and make sure she doing it right. She also tries to stealth sneak next to my dog when my dog is asleep and she wants to nap too. Apparently

um, if I went pantsless and barefoot into even a local mini mart I would get kicked out, much less Bloomingdales.

I think I'm more excited for the new Supernatural baby (that is what I am calling him/her) than the Royal one. That set is going to be rolling in babies.

So, the best way to defend someone who is being implied as a slut is to then call the clothing a company makes slutty? That is absurd, how about we stop using the word slut entirely. Who cares how many guys Taylor Swift dates, the shirt is dumb, but at some point I would hope that when people see things like this,

I never believe the news of celebrity break ups when the person who confirms it is only listed as a "source". Who knows who that source is, entertainment magazines and sites are not known for solely relying on people who actually know that actress/actor or whoever. Also, Amanda Seyfried, take your shoes off the bed.

I am my sister's maid of honor for her wedding taking place in two years (in Massachusetts) and the plan is 150 guests with a buffet style dinner and open bar. I feel bad being excited for this wedding because I usually hate weddings and only go for the free food and drinks.

I was born in 1988, I have seen pictures of my mom in these types of dresses though. I think if you took the jacket off the blue dress it looks like something someone would wear now.

PETA's true end goal is to create a society where no one "owns" domesticated animals. They really could care less for dogs and cats because they don't want more people to keep them as pets, they really want them to no longer be tame and to have them live outside with no people who feed them. I used to be a PETA donor

Mitch McConnell can't talk smack about Hillary because he is not human, he is a turtle in a terrible human disguise.

Sweeney Houdini Groban is quite possibly the best name ever.

I am sure she is paying homage to someone or just liked the name. I'm just saying that all I can think of is the polar bear, with or without the e. I made it clear in my first comment that I am aware she did not name her baby after a polar bear. I'm allowed to think what I like as long as I recognize that what I'm

I don't really care that they named her North, although it is kind of funny. I am way too focused on the fact that Jessica Simpson gave her child the same middle name as that German polar bear. I know she didn't name him after the polar bear, but that is all I can think of now.

Wendy Davis is amazing, Rick Perry should never be allowed to speak in public because he is not very intelligent and makes our country as a whole look like imbeciles. He will never be President, especially after his whole screw up with the three bodies he would diminish and it would be great if Texas could just get