I definitely did my eye makeup like that from age 13 until I was 14 and learned how to properly apply it.
I definitely did my eye makeup like that from age 13 until I was 14 and learned how to properly apply it.
I have lost all respect for Roseanne Barre because of this incident. Lindy is clearly not defending the MRA perspective, but Roseanne clearly is. I am ashamed of her behavior because it seemed that she would be an advocate. I am very disappointed in her clearly skewed behavior.
I don't care what the spoon is made of, but I can only eat foods meant to be eaten with a spoon with a small (teaspoon?) and not soup spoons. I think it may be because I have a very small mouth. I also don't really like yogurt unless I can put granola in it.
Small point in this whole thing, most people's cursive is absolutely terrible. I have been typing up written reports and it always seems to take me forever to read the cursive because of the terrible handwriting. Also, I am embarrassed for us all if this is the discourse that some people have around a young woman of…
My kitten has started doing something new. When I kiss her on the top of her head (she is so cute I just can't resist), she has taken to turning around and licking me on the cheek a couple of times. I like to tell myself she is responding to the affection but she is probably actually telling me to knock it off.
I hopes she posts pictures of all of her outfits. She has the best style. I would wear almost everything I have ever seen her in.
Oh goodness, I usually can't stand to go bra shopping. I used to be a size 4 but depression and other issues has led to me being a size 16 with 36DDD boobs and I just can't stand to look at myself in the mirror sometimes. I always feel like the people at Victoria's Secret are judging me because of my size even though…
I would send Wendy Davis food delivery from MA if only she could eat it according to Texas filibuster laws. Also, I have a specially made device that looks like my past retainers and stops me from clenching my teeth. Could some0ne make those less dumb looking?
I swear, SCOTUS better rule in favor of marriage rights for all, not like I can do anything either way. My own parents' engagement story is way less romantic than most straight and gay people. My mom wanted a baby and told my dad she would leave him if they didn't get married. He immediately proposed and two years…
My first thought was, okay, this lady thinks Rihanna isn't a role model, whatever, she isn't, she doesn't want to be one, but then I read what Jones wrote, and what the heck, that is a pile of garbage. "fashion sense that invites rape..." are you kidding me? Also, "Is it fair that we berate female stars for being bad,…
My six sex ed classes showed us how to put on a condom, and then stressed that we not take any because they wouldn't be allowed back and then made us play a game where we shook hands with various people and then found out that some people had a card that said they had gonorrhea and that we now all had it because we…
Why in the world would a press source or non-creep publish photos of a child's butt clad in anything? I hate tiny denim shorts because I think they would be super uncomfortable for me personally and I wouldn't wear them, but I am not going to judge the fashion choices of a 12 year old or really anyone else (everyone…
I really recommend the essay "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack", I read it as part of an anthology of essays for a class in college and it opened my eyes to some things I never though about. I can't believe this case went all the way to the Supreme Court. I used to work for a time in admissions and I…
What a dickhead. No matter where you work (but excuse me, the Supreme Court, where we finalize legal matters) you don't roll your eyes at someone and be rude like that. I hope she took him aside afterward and told him off for being a rude asshole.
Oh my goodness I need more videos of this little family.
My girl scouts troops never really did any outdoor activities back in the 90s, we would go on a two day trip to the local Girl Scout camp, but that was it. We also planted a tree once. I ended up quitting my last year of middle school anyway because people thought it was nerdy and my mom always stapled my badges to my…
My sister's fiance's mother calls their cats her grandkitties, and I call my dog my baby and my mom calls her dog and cat her daughters and my sisters, I feel like this is something really common. Although maybe I inherited it from my mom too. Also, I am pretty sure the dog is my mother's favorite child, even if she…
I lived in the South for a year and never heard a racist comment; of course I was also taking part in long term volunteer activities as part of AmeriCorps (if you don't know what it is, please google it and if you are young enough, take part in one of the programs). I was born and raised in the Northeast and my…
Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez were at a Chili's not too far from me. Okay, lie, I would have to take the T through my place in Brighton to the West Roxbury/Dedham area. I would love to know why the heck they are over there because I had no idea there was any tourist stuff in that area. Also, Amanda Bynes is totally…
Wait, I thought it was said that she praised an all black server restaurant or venue because they used only black servers, not that there was an actual wedding with all black servers. Either way, she is totally racist for really liking the venue, but I just like stories to be as accurate as possible. I can't believe…