
May I borrow? All kidding aside I own every season of Supernatural on DVD, have about 6 posters and 2 current calendars (not including old, out of date ones) and have been to a Supernatural convention, so you are nowhere near weird when it comes to my obsession. I would only admit this after drinking wine, which I

My cat would claw your face off if you tried to put her in a bath. That end of that cat's tail had what appeared to be no fur on it and it slightly freaked me out.

I looked, my alma mater, UMass Amherst, has some boring names, although I did go to Boston University for a while, so I guess I can take a little pride in their names.

Oh my god you guys didn't use an approved Amanda Bynes pic with her new nose and lack of face "webbing". She is totes going to call you all ugly haters on Twitter now. Seriously though, can we stop talking about her in the hopes that someone intervenes, because not only is she mentally ill, she also clearly feeds on

I'm lactose intolerant and I don't want to spend a day on the toilet because I drank actual cream. In all reality though, I either use soy milk or just drink my coffee black because I may not be able to tolerate dairy, but I certainly don't like the aftertaste of artificial creamers.

I know I am late to this discussion (no internet since Thursday) but I think you have a valid point. I know someone who wrote fan fiction and then was able to add new names and change some things and sold it to an e-book company. It doesn't seem right to me that Amazon would get to keep your work, and I have a feeling

Chris Brown should not be trusted with any living thing. That was my first reaction too.

I have to say, I've always wanted to try hotpot but I am terrified that I won't cook my food long enough and accidentally give myself food poisoning because I can't cook to save my life and have no idea how long most foods need to cook for. I keep trying to find a hotpot buddy who will go with me and make sure I am

I wish you could come to my workplace with your dogs. There is nothing I love more than receiving doggy kisses.

I respect cyclists, but as someone who uses public transportation/ walks everywhere, I constantly see cyclists who believe they are both cars and pedestrians and follow the rules of both. I do not need to get hit by someone on a bicycle when I am crossing a road with the pedestrian crossing light on just because

My mom had to file for bankruptcy in part because she didn't want to tell me that we couldn't afford Abercrombie or Hollister like the other rich kids in my town and I had so much trouble fitting in already even wearing the right clothes. I wish all the Hollister stores would close; Hollister in general is designed to

I don't know how the times have changed, but as a teenager in the 90s/early 2000s all sites were cracking down on the pro-ana sites and the advice that was out there was to google "Fat like me" and you could still find a million blogs with thinsporation and tips on how not to eat and yet convince people that you had

If Victoria's Secret doesn't care about my 36 DDD's and size 16 body, I sure as hell doubt they ever cared about women who have had a mastectomy. I doubt they even researched it before going, nope, we are going to just keep making bras for the women with "normal" size bodies and breasts.

Seriously? Move to the suburbs with your children if you are so against any show of the female body. A bikini is nothing like being nude, and if you don't want to talk to your children about their possible body questions, then you are a shitty parent who wants to shelter your kids while also living somewhere that has

I would pay to watch this a million times. Judy Blume's books, as they are for most commenters, helped me make sense of adolescence in a way that I wasn't terrified, especially since I got my period at a young 11 and had no idea what was going on at first. Judy Blume can appeal to all women, young women who are

I can see her point on states deciding for themselves, but I don't see that a court ruling has changed the entirety of abortion opinions to the point that we have a more conservative opinion in many states. I think that many states were very conservative and Roe was the only thing and is still the only thing, keeping

My little gal pal is eleven and has developed cataracts that require me to lead her everywhere and put treats right in her mouth. I will take the skin bugs if I can just have her for a million more years. She brightens every day I spend with her, even though she makes me sleep late because I don't want to stop our

I live near where they carjacked the car and I used to work in the MIT Stata building and now I work right next to Beth Israel and go there almost everyday for lunch. The police presence wasn't overwhelming at Beth Israel except for the day the President visited the victims, although I don't know about the Friday he

I personally use words like "dig up tights" quite often. Where I'm from, it is frequently used when you have to look for clothes that are not seasonally appropriate but that you need due to the weather. No idea where the author is from, but in New England we can have a Summer like day one day and then it will snow the

This is kind of dumb. I don't give a shit what a guy expects or wishes I would wear on a date because if he is so focused on my clothes then I don't want to date him and he can find some woman who will fit his stupid ideal. I don't think this comes from being a bisexual woman who tries to impress women either. Most