
I agree with you. My parents put me in one pieces and bikinis (with Little Mermaid print because Little Mermaid came out when I was born) just because they were cute, not because they wanted me to look like a grown up or thought I was emulating one. Bikinis aren't sexual in and of themselves, people are the ones who

The Boston Hospital workers have my greatest support and love. I have never received as compassionate, excellent care as I received when I was a patient at Mass General earlier this year and it's awesome to see the stories of these heroes being told.

I don't even know what to think right now, I'm in lockdown in my neighborhood in Brighton and have stopped hearing the sirens and helicopters so all I've been doing is reading every article about the two. I really wish we would hear their motive because right now everyone is so focused on the Chechnyan aspect but they

The app is only available for IPhone and I have an Android phone. Now how am I supposed to waste a bunch of time? Seriously, I would have downloaded the app and looked up a million different weird things in a heartbeat.

I was about to say, how is beating people not considered violent? Clearly these girls are violent and depraved considering they beat young girls and then forced them into prostitution.

There needs to be a button that allows other people to get rid of the comments trolls or idiots who don't read the article leave.

I once made out with a guy who looked like Weevil and apparently drunkenly told my friend it was because he looked like Weevil. Super Veronica Mars fan. Also, I tend to put lotion on my feet a lot because they get so dry, but I never do it in public because it seems odd somehow, but I understand the need to lotion.

Can you provide some links? I believe you that this has happened, I just feel like no one ever posts anything negative about Jennifer Lawrence so I would like to see the actual links and googling that kind of thing is not working well for me.

I've worked on trying to help ease the effects of mountaintop removal mining, and while it is nowhere near Rwandan genocide, it has certainly created an environmental situation in the states where it was done that can never truly be fixed. I agree with everything else she said, but I can imagine a lot of her comments

I just cannot stand Olivia Munn. I don't even care about that dress, which someone accurately described as about two steps away from a sexy sailor costume from Party City; it just seems like everything she has said has left me disliking her.

The back of my "closet" has a door to the rest of the basement in it. It's like a fucked up Narnia situation. I have always wanted a walk in closet, but as long as I have somewhere to live I really can't complain. Also, how expensive would shoe uplighting be?

I always tip really well, and I do tip 20% even to bad waiters/waitresses. I work as a temp because I was unemployed for months and didn't want to wind up homeless, and in order to get temp jobs repeatedly, you have to be nice to even the worst of people and sometimes I wish I could just say fuck it and be a jerk and

I have still not watch Game of Thrones, the tv show, because 1. I am afraid it will ruin the books for me (I love them), and 2. I want to wait until all the books are out, which will of course be once I've died of old age (George R.R. Martin will clearly live forever just to take his time writing the damn books).

The whole, "you didn't understand what I was saying" explanation for this type of thing is full of crap. Just admit you are a racist, homophobic person; at least own up to your beliefs because very few people are dumb enough to go, "okay, clearly this was taken out of context." It wasn't. Grisham didn't misspeak, he

Wow, Tucker Carlson is a huge dick. He can't keep a tv show, Jon Stewart owns him, and then he makes inane comments about feminism. Yet, he still refuses to disappear, even though no one cares about him.

I'm confused with the last line of this piece. Yes, it is disgusting if this actually happened and I would hope she hasn't started seeing a man who is probably also abusive, or at least a misogynistic asshole, but in her post, Valdes wrote this, "Should I someday ever get to that place again where I feel I’m able to

I have had two concussions and have suffered from memory loss and speech problems ever since. I used to be an articulate person, but now I find myself repeating the same sentence multiple times. Sometimes I sound really weird but my brain cannot honestly comprehend what I am trying to say so I will repeat sentences 3

My kitten would never let me put a bow tie on her, even though I would love to. She has also been hiding inside the couch and pulling out the stuffing, so maybe she is just a little shit head.

I would probably like the leather ruffle skirt more if it was the correct size. If I wore something that had my tummy peeking over the top I would feel like I was being suffocated, I always buy pants one size to big just for that reason. If Kim wants to rock it like that and it doesn't make her uncomfortable, then I

My new kitten will purposely sit wherever my dog wants to be and will only drink water out of the dog's bowl and not her own. She also will try to eat the dog's food even if hers is right near her and they are being fed at the same time just to be mean to the dog. She is too cute though, so it is very hard to be mad