
I could not agree more. I hate this outsourcing of federal responsibility to the private sector. Conservatives are such hateful hypocrites-they are only against federal funding when it doesn’t go to their pockets but instead is paid to unionized workers. I have worked in a number of correctional facilities. The health

I hate to say this but you are so right. My family’s racism is part of what alienated me from them. I have asked the most hateful if they would have the nerve to walk unarmed across the Edmund Pettus bridge into the face of a crowd waiting and eager to beat the snot out of them. It’s fun to watch their reaction. It

Bourgohuris, I am truly sorry my inarticulate comments hurt you. Let me try to say differently what I said above.

And I’ve read hers are all knock offs of good designers without credit or attritbution.

No such luck.

That’s why I am exhorting everyone to vote a straight Democratic ticket. Let’s give HRC the majority she needs to change things on the hill. We need to keep pushing for enough Dems in the House and Senate that she’s filibuster proof. Then she can effect change.

No, showing us her dogs is a public serice. I’d rather look at animals than DJT/cheetoman

A thousand stars for this!

There’s nothing wrong with our economy or politics that can’t be solved by an enraged mob and a guillotine..I’m printing this up on t shirts.

I’d love to see judges throw the book at them. Give anyone who intimidates voters maximum jail time. We have to protect democracy from tyrants.

I’m in Oregon and looking at my little pipe. Hillary will be hearing from me about ending the labelling of marijuana as a schedule I drug. That means the drug has no valid medical use. Marijuana has many dozens of active substances that we are only beginning to understand. We do know that it eases glaucoma, pain, can

See ya!

Now playing

My favorite Emily Blunt movie also stars Rupert Grint, Bill Nighy, Martin Freeman, Rupert Everett, and Eileen Atkins. Wild Target is funny and dark.

The Colonies, the indigenous peoples on small islands all over the S. Pacific, the Russians-who lost too many men because Stalin was a bastard, too many good young people were slaughtered. Americans think we won the war on our own.

Trump really is a 5 year old on the payground shouting,”I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to you. Nyahhh!” Accuse him of sexual assault? Trump trots out Bill Clinton’s accusers, all of whom were paid by conservatives in the ‘80s to come forward and accuse BC of sexual harrassment

It’s a well known, but suppressed, fact that spiders are not a terrestrial species. They rode the fragments of Mars as they were blasted off the planet to Earth. Remember the meteorites found in Antarctica that came from Mars? That’s how they got here. That’s why they give you the willies. That’s why they have 8 legs.

What a choice. Trump is corrupt in business and in his treatment of anyone not him. Mike Pence is a dyed in the wool son of a bitch, a bible thumping, queer hating, woman despising, mean spirited white male loser who can only hold his position by standing on everyone else. I think the merman or the unicorn are perfect.

When the Irish showed up in the 1850s there was move to make the official US language German.

When we passed Little Big Horn we bought t-shirts that said, “Custer had it coming.” You should have seen the pickle faces en route to Oregon.