
The worst food I ever had served to me, evah, was in Chicago, Ohio, All of Pennsylvania- the Midwest- in other word. Only time I ever got food poisoning was in Chi town.

I can't star this enough.

It was called the Odd Couple.

I'm with you. As an olde lady I have heard sooooo many, tooooo many, bits of shoulds regarding my ladyparts and what I do with them. For the love of Kali, do what your body tells you feels right. For what it's worth, I am not sure that lesbians have it any easier than us heteros. After all, sex comes with a person

Yep, they were asking for a dope slap with a very used tampon.

This is a serious issue and I want to offer the antichoice side a chance to prove they care about the unborn. I propose the following:

These guys are so clueless I sometimes wonder who ties their shoes for them.

The lousy turnout is the result of deliberate actions taken to suppress the vote, especially the votes of the poor. If we really cared about turn out we would make election day a mandatory paid holiday. You notice the hours the polls are open? Hard to work and make it to the polls on time. Don't get me started on

Has anyone tried suing one of these places and the people who work there for pain and suffering and had them charged with fraud? Any lawyers out there? It's so hinky that these people get away with lying and misleading women into forced birth. Personally I feel that they should be made to support the woman and child

Is there anywhere in the world with more fakakta laws than Italy? I would love to go for an extended trip there but I am terrified of some of the insane decisions handed down by their courts. If you're a woman there you are guilty it seems.

  • American healthcare costs more because of cost shifting-insurance companies negotiate pay rates with hospitals, doctors, labs, etc. The uninsured are charged much more to recoup the monies surrendered by negotiating with insurance companies and the governments.

I think you're brave and smart and a thousand times more qualified to work with the trouble clients you've described tan your former coworkers. I am an old white lady and feel nothing but contempt for someone who makes comments about only being comfortable around white people. The funny thing is people of European

Yes and the important lesson about Abraham and Isaac these morons don't get is it is the first time that human sacrifice is forbidden! I wish these twits would take the time to learn the context of Torah passages. The bible was not written in English, the history did not take place in the USA, and it is important to

They should lose their licenses for engaging in an abusive and discredited "therapy."

As the mother of a gay daughter and a trans daughter all I can say is you are fucking clueless as to what these kids go through. I pray you are not a parent.

Where exactly? Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuals or transgendered people. And don't go quoting Leviticus at me. Ignorant Christians don't realize 1. Paul said the Torah no longer applies as "New" testament or laws are in place and 2. Leviticus is a book that applies to Levites, the Jewish priestly class. You are

I want to second everything you've said. Violating a patient's confidential records is a huge ethical lapse. The fines and penalties are a tiered system and are based on intent, whether breach was accidental, etc. There is no ethical breach worse than the one your sister committed. She deliberately violated your

You have my unending gratitude for this feature. I think everyone should be compelled to work as waitstaff for a summer if only to become a decent human being. There's a special place in hell for patrons who don't tip, order off the menu, show up 5 minutes before closing.