
Dear 2014, could we please lose dude bros, hos, hot mess and i feel you. thank you

I formed an honorary medal for these "real women". I calll it he ORDER OF THE IRON UTERUS..The medal has a kick ass steel uterus with fallopian tubes and little ovaries that look like clenched fists. Beneath this is OIU in Roman script followed by Roman numeral for number of children born the "right" way with mom

I have to divert a bit. My pet peeve are earnest "religious" types with guitars who show up to play with service. Aaarrrrgggghhhh! They are always flat when they sing, they can't tune a guitar within the parameters of what is considered in tune, and they have a CAPTIVE AUDIENCE! I back out the minute I see them.

Bill Baird was my idol in my youth. I was stunned when he was arrested for educating unmarried women about birth control. I was in my teens and it was the first time I realized that "free speech" was a myth.

Baby, you just made me cry. OMG, I have had patients with anhedonia and it is the scariest state to hit a person short of going catatonic. No joy no light nada. I am so sorry this happened to you. I fucking hate drunk drivers.

Screechy feminist? Really? What fucking decade did you crawl out of and please, go back as soon as possible. Unless you can prove otherwise there are plenty of men's mtgs that deserve shutting down- manboylove, for instance. They could have the old bucket of cold water in the lap routine (my personal fave).

I love this video, thanks for posting it! Not sure I buy genderist as a catch phrase but I agree with Joss. I like the way he describes a kove of words. I suffer from the same weird genetic anomaly-I, too, get drunk on words. Heady stuff.

I was enraged watching the documentary on sexual assault in the military. I think we jezzies need to get these young women together, sharpen their warrior skills, dress 'em like ninjas, issue swords and baseball bats and sic them on these guys. I was struck by how these jerks stuck together and covered for each

Only an Arab would bring a dog to war. Antooonniooo!

He was BRAZIL!

Amen! It is injustice pure and simple. Fuck this Calvinistic notion that blames the poor for their problems. I am sick of this impulse to blame and shame instead of trying to lift up everyone. We are all on this trip together people! There is no excuse for the unkindness caused by keeping people afraid ignorant

I have been in very serious car accidents caused by drunk drivers. I was clinically dead after the first one and barely made it to hospital. I was rearended by a dump truck with 23 tons of sand in it. Drunk driver. I have had multiple spinal surgeries and live in chronic pain. I think people should go to jail for

Not surprising since IQ tests are a measure of how white middle class and male you are.

Whatever it is I got it too.

Because she has no judgment or taste when it comes to choosing music or in how it is styled. Having pipes and singing crap is inexcusable.

If you ever go to Great Britain one if the most entertaining sights is watching the Brits queue up in line while the Frenxh cut in front of them. I have been told by more than one French person that the French NEVER wait in lines.

There was the year my mom decided to stop even trying to pretend that she liked me. She gave me clothes that were her size (16) that couldn't wear because 1. I was a size 6 and 2. The clothes were pale colors that made look like I was dying and showed all the grease, rust, and grime from welding. I just left

Now playing

I learned about the Cat Carol on GT now my favorite Christmas music! Such bathos! Such imagery- the reindeer cry!

Academic discussions are fine. But they can not take place if one does not do one's homework. There is such a profound difference in thought and conception of the Divine with the introduction of Christianity. Dualism is introduced- the Manichean notion of the eternal forces of Good v. Evil locked in combat in

You need to actually LISTEN to people of different faiths because what you just wrote is horribly arrogant and insensitive. Yes, the Auto-de-fe was imposed on Jews because we we soooo like the majority Christians. You may have taken an Anthro and a Soc class but obviously learned nothing. Here's a tip. There are