
Yes, but Honeycomb is not really finished yet and they have some bugs and polish to iron out. Also it might be harder to add sense on top of Honeycomb than Gingerbread. I suspect both of those factors played a part in the decision to stick with Gingerbread.

You won't find anything official and Apple certainly won't spill, but if Anandtech are saying Cortex-A9 then I believe them.

> In the iPad2, the A5 is just a CPU.

Apple said "up to 9x faster", not "always 9x faster".

I think you are reading*far* too much into that article.

And the 'spec' for Flash will never change either?

I'm not saying it's the PCs fault. It is just a fact.


On PCs.

Yes, Perian. Every Mac should have Perian.

Do you Quicktime is the player?

The problem is MS's massive cash pile is now smaller than Apple's massive cash pile.

The idea is absolutely correct and I agree 100% on principle, but the timing is terrible.

Great points. You've absolutely nailed it.

A language is not so important if you know how to code. Thousands of devs have picked up Objectivce-C/Cocoa in a short time and made some fantastic things with it. Microsoft, Apple and to a lesser extent Google all have good dev tools.

Correct, but maybe that dual screen display on the courier requires battery technology not really available today at marketable prices.

That was when Apple gave very close access to Macintosh hardware and software.

"If found change the RAM configuration and reset the PRAM to wipe the firmware password, boot from the Mac OS X CD and then use the password reset utility to gain access."

Now playing

If that doesn't then this certainly does.

You don't have to pay for a new OS on a PC. Really!?