
@OCEntertainment: I think there are many examples of Apple doing different things for their tablet UI than the phone UI. One is address book.

@RaindropBebop: iOS exercises more restraint than Windows 7. Mac OS X used to be more glossy and shiny. Very aero like back in the day.

@OCEntertainment: On the iPad you can add to the stock functionality with thousands of applications designed for the form factor.

@macpatrik: When Steve Jobs demoed iPad I think he held it in portrait for most of the demo.

@crazypills77: The ‘big iPod’ and ‘just a grid of apps’ talking points have been overplayed.

The other big advantage of iPhone is there is a lot more choice when it comes to accessories.

@Whitson Gordon: Agreed the browser offers some better features. Good.

@MifuneT: He didn't say that.

@badbob001: The funny thing is Schmidt used to work for Sun. You'd think he of all people would have be razor sharp on the ins and outs of what you can and can't do based on the Java license.

@Biokinetica: I wouldn't be too smug. You don't have the latest version of Android on that either.

@JimmyBanks: I don't really understand this argument about the grid of icons.

@Tetsuooooooo: Apple have promised to make FaceTime an open standard. They haven't delivered on it yet.

@Ghostnappa9001: Apple do some innovation, but most of what they do are refinements.

The "plug your phone into a big screen" concept is obviously where things are headed.

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@kaffenated: 'Well I gotta tell you some people don't believe that happened they believe it was reincarnated in Arizona somewhere.'

@Cabs21: Obviously we disagree and I'm not going to quibble too much because I don't want this to turn sour.

@Cabs21: Could it just be that given engineering/time/cost constraints at the time some of those features weren't possible?