
@markoi: You can't download all iTunes U content from academic earth either. I've checked.

@markoi: Can you find where I said iTunes is the only game in town?

@markoi: DRM free AACs from iTunes allow you to move to pretty much any platform.

@markoi: You can't get iTunes U on any other aggregator.

@jdoree: I'd agree having used both Notepad++ and TextMate that TextMate is better.

@smurfydog: Competing with Android is competing with free. And they certainly don't have Microsofts capital to throw at the problem. And they don't have a nice big ad business to make money from.


@JakeWharton: "I just want to make it clear that it is neither Google nor Android at fault"

@Criosphynx: I don't understand (and this is by no means a dig at Android, this is me asking for an explanation) why "it is perfectly allowable, and typical, for Android applications to use self-signed certificates".

@JakeWharton: If a new version of Debain is released, then everyone running the previous version can upgrade. That's how it should be for Android.

English counties:

@SuramaAte: I care about other peoples feelings when discussing something delicate or emotionally sensitive. We are talking about operating systems.

@SuramaAte: Maybe, but life is too short to worry about carefully wording something so as not to offend or upset Windows/Mac/Linux enthusiasts.

@gamerjason88: Because Apple isn't stifling anything. They don't have overall control of the smartphone market, let alone the mobile phone market. Other vendors can do as they please.

@Mugly: Unfortunately some hardware just won't work with Mac OS X because of lack of driver support.

@JasonGW: You mean 'yes', not 'no'.

@benjisan: $2167.00 + $299.99 (Windows 7 Pro* from Microsoft Store, you can probably get it cheaper) = 2466.99.