
@Hvedhrungr: Lion will be a preemptive multitasking operating system. Like all the other Mac OS X releases.

@Antoine Prince: Maybe if Windows Phone 7 gains traction. At the moment I don't think anyone is worried about Microsoft.

@Facebook: Maybe on the 13" there is space (I've seen the logic board and it looks pretty packed to me but I'm by no means an expert).

@King_Faisal_94: You can, but you'd need to have 3 chips: CPU, intel GPU and discrete GPU. Which requires more space and a bigger thermal envelope:

@HunterShoptaw: Interesting. Thanks for some clarification. I assumed very naïvely they were the same thing.

Good review, thanks.

@King_Faisal_94: But it would have intel graphics. That's the trade off.

@AndiC: Pretty sure Macs don't use Open Firmware anymore since the switch to intel?

How easy is EFI to compromise?

Apple probably didn't have the money at the time. Bungie demoed Halo first at a Jobs keynote (MacWorld 1999 I think).

34. Sony Ericsson?

@TheClap: The last time they took a long time between releases we got a Vista.

@Tim the Enchanter: The problem is that for smaller open source projects - who is going to pay the $99 ticket for a listing.

@dmorrison42: Would you not agree that it provides very few monetization opportunities for developers?

@mhr512: I agree. But the Mac is increasingly popular with developers and particularly web developers.

@JimboLodisC: Hang on, wasn't Linux originally written by one guy (albeit a very clever one) in his apartment? I wouldn't dismiss this entirely.

@davidfg4: Really? In my experience a lot of the package managers download the source and then build it on your machine.

@DreamTheEndless: The issue was that the Snow Leopard photographed had just had a tasty snack and some blood around its mouth.

@John H. Meyer: Hopefully someone gets in a question about the data centre. I think it is set to go operational early next year, but it would be good get an update.

@iDon't even: It will end when they start making products people don't want. That's how they lost their way in the late 80s and 90s.