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This was my favourite Microsoft ad Not sure what it did for the product, but it is creative and well shot.

@Nihilexistentialist: Well the actual Mac desktop is restrained and beautiful in it's use of spacing, typography, subtle gradients etc. So I can see many people would like it.

That Finder Window looks disgusting and nothing like on the Mac.

This is such a great, heartwarming story. Normally things don't end like this.

@kingdcomputers: I could be horribly wrong, but if they are holding a press conference and dropping hints that the new OS will be featured, I Apple will have more exciting things to talk about than Active Directory integration.

@Chubby93: It doesn't surprise me that no Mac software made the shortlist.

Such a shame most people watching will think: CGI.

@Odin: Yeah! Chip and Pin FTW.

@David Insley: In that case then the Galaxy S ISN'T the better phone, it just happens to have the better hardware specs.

@liriel: There aren't really. It's mainly an exercise in re-imagining a UI for now.

Some of the criticisms are I feel a bit harsh.

@chefgon: No I don't mean Objective-C. I mean Interface Builder and Cocoa.

This is good anaylsis and a point. The whole "app revolution" is based around frameworks and tools pioneered by NeXT in the 80s but not commercially exploited back then.

@crd22: I agree, it's extremely unlikely it would get pressed accidently if flush.

Many Windows Phone 7 devices will have a dedicated camera hardware button.

@Xorlathor: I think you fudementally mis-understand the point of a user interface.

@OGHowie: Unfortunately HP has got Palm all tied up at the moment working on those oh so important WebOS printers.

@jft135: I'm wondering why they didn't announce they were closing six months ago, unless they raised xyz in donations.