
@Nick2: iTunes contains the webkit engine. It's how they display the store and ping.

@A.Jaswal: Have you used it? It's faster and more responsive on my Mac than 9. Need to try it out on the PC in a moment.

@Arken: "About" (in Sony's own words) $180 for the 4GB or $200 for the 8GB.

@ziplizard: There's an easy answer (and no conspiracy involved!). It is all to do with the cost of the high capacity, but very small in built flash memory.

@szrimaging: It's not just web pages in the browser. Most of the apps are rendered using Webkit.

Good luck Google, but I think the timescale is ambitious. Plus I think content providers are likely to be suspicious of Google.

@wk1234: be grateful for small mercies. You have the 480x360 resolution screen.

@thepl4gue: This is so funny because before Google got involved much Webkit code was written by Apple engineers. And the Web Insepctor in Chrome, that doesn't mimic the iTunes UI by accident.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: No, sadly many of the commentators inferred/implied Steve felt he had a right to have a seat, which I doubt is the case.

@Helvetica: He's right though and he's smart to diffuse responsibility, but the way he phrased it did evoke the kind of language Apple (and Jobs) would use.

Have we actually seen or heard any evidence Steve was annoyed at this? He looks perfectly content to find another restaurant.

@DoYouLikeToastToo?: How do we know he hasn't already updated it and is now just waiting for it to get through the approval process…

@jma89: My bad, sorry. You're right, reading it again makes sense.

@Willard Fillmore: How do you think your message got posted? How did you view this page?

@aec007: You are correct that Microsoft (like all companies) work best in a competitive environment.

@butaneko: That was quite witty, so witty in fact that once I'd stop laughing it took me a good 30 seconds before I remembered FaceTime was WiFi only.

@eprankfort: I agree we have covered this so many times before:

@talkingstove: All Safari extensions are signed by a root authority. Mandatory, no exceptions. Apple will revoke dangerous ones.

@marcoantonio78: I doubt it's a mistake. Apple makes plenty of mistakes, but rarely with the min specs.