
It's the Domed Reading Room in the State Library of Victoria, one of my favourite buildings here in Melbourne. Google it for pretty photos.

SMG voted for Hillary. The other Buffy (from the original movie), Kristy Swanson, is a very vocal Trump fangirl. :-S :-S :-S

Well given all the Lord of Light stuff I think it would be entirely appropriate for Jon Snow to start singing I WILL WALK THROUGH THE FIIIIIIIIRE

He just followed me on Twitter too! HE KNOWS…

Really great episode.
But seriously, was nobody else completely weirded out when Kimmie from The Americans showed up in the shower scene?

Any word yet on who new series regular Dylan Baker will be playing?

I rewatched the first three seasons over the last two months (introducing it to my fiance, who loved it) and last week hoovered down all of the Slate insider podcasts for the show. SO GODDAMN PUMPED ABOUT SEASON 4!

Stole my line, dammit