
According to the Forbes author, the sketch that Giuseppe showed him looks like"thick platform stilettos."

You may not own <insert anything here>. In fact, it's possible you don't even know what it is. But hopefully, by the time you've heard us out, you'll be convinced you need one.

Now playing

Whatever, man. He's a male public figure who's using his fame as a platform to talk about/promote gender equality, a thing he really believes in. His whole show conveyed the earnest and sincere sentiment of "Listen, (male) guys, feminism is a legitimate thing". Like this dude:

Last time I checked, being a feminist is about the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. It says nothing about it being a girls club or anything like that

If there's a silver lining to all this ugliness, it's that there's a discussion taking place about consent in Canada, or at least it seems so in my circle, among those who I can't imagine having that conversation otherwise. My dad of all people said last night to me, "people who are kinky must be angry to have their,

Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.

Vote: Todoist

Wait, have I've been prepping my house for the wrong sort of threat?