Patiently waiting for the first trade release of this run.
Patiently waiting for the first trade release of this run.
I know of someone who was named after the abortion clinic her mother decided not to use.
Because if I have to acknowledge the likelihood that my parents had sex, it’s at least better to assume it was dutiful and joyless and only happened the once.
Out in nature, the majority of estrogenic compounds come from things like agricultural byproducts, fire retardants, and industrial pollution. Oral contraceptives are an issue, but blaming them specifically for the hormone disruption going on in humans and wild animals is like blaming the final straw for the camel’s…
One of the things this writeup doesn’t touch on is that, specifically, endocrine disrupters have been linked to intersex fish; that’s something that was observed actually occurring in ecosystems in the early 2000s (actually I’m sure there are earlier documented observations, but the system I’m most familiar with, it…
I don’t know about this study in particular, but a lot of the reporting on synthetic estrogens in the water omits the fact that birth control is only responsible for a tiny fraction of the problem- far more is coming from livestock and agriculture.
not all of us can use an IUD :(
"devise a type of contraception that's equally good for the body and the environment"
As much as I hate the whole filler that is the Mummer's Dragon storyline....I really just got fucking pumped that there might be more book material, and that what might be people we thought were axed might still show up.
I see Olive Garden finally got in touch with their Roman roots, in the worst way possible.
Hercules. Cause I want myive-action version of Meg. Meg is the best, but she's ostracized by Disney cause unlike all the other Princesses, she's not a virgin. Worse - she's divorced.
Oh yeah, the real "challenge" is finding the right guy to play the General. :rollseyes:
I'm pretty sure Mulan is safe for being played as an asian female. Hollywood seems okay with asian females.
Asian males on the other hand.. it's getting ridiculous.
I'm guessing they'll consider the Little Mermaid next. But honestly, I'm excited about Mulan. She's always been my favourite Disney heroine, and her story has a lot more meat to it than the others. I'm just wondering how they're going to depict the live-action war scenes while keeping it PG; that would have been a lot…
30 goddamned years? Someone could've murdered HER and gotten less jail time than that!
Shouldn't a boy who got a girl pregnant also be exhibiting poor "discipline" by this same reasoning and also be prohibited from class?
I am mostly offended by the fact that is one of the weakest, dumbest "jokes" I have ever heard.
And yet, everyone dismisses it as a cynical attempt to remain relevant.
I like Madonna's efforts to defy the All About Eve narrative generally thrust upon competing older/younger entertainers. Her collaborations with younger performers brings continuity, generosity and a kind of sympático to a process commonly depicted as ugly and cutthroat.