It definitely does not exclude self-pleasure. Some do, and some don't.
It definitely does not exclude self-pleasure. Some do, and some don't.
It doesn't always exclude it (although sometimes it does). I think what they are trying to say is that some asexuals still enjoy the effects of self-pleasure. They just have no interest or need in sharing that pleasure with another person.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's correct.
This is where I get confused- I understand that having a low libido is not the same as being asexual, but what does having a libido mean if you aren't sexually attracted to people?
Fun fact: on my 20-somethingth birthday, my now-husband put on Limp Bizkit in the car, and I burst into tears and screeched, "Are you mad at me??" Because that's the only reason I could conceive of for him playing Limp Bizkit.
I've been making Robert/Fred Durst jokes on facebook repeatedly. My wife asks me to stop.
I had to take a long break from Dan Savage after that book. Lost a ton of credibility in my mind. Like, if multiple partners is what floats your boat and you can make it work, more power to you, but that book is objectively terrible. Horribly written. Weakly argued. Like, my god, offering no context for an isolated…
It was also really poorly written.
I would say 75% of the poly community, especially that are 30 are older, are in long term live in relationships or marriages, often with children, and have a relationship style of having one longer term primary partner and one or two secondary partners they spend 1-2 days/nights with a week. The primary relationship…
The thing about polyamory that fascinates me most is how you even find more than one date-able person at a time. Maybe I'm just a cold fish, but I meet maybe one or two dudes a year I'd consider a relationship with, tops. I can't even begin to imagine feeling like there are so many available guys I'm emotionally,…
Yeah, it definitely takes the wind out of my sails when guys are 100% cool with me dating other women but are deeply wounded at the thought of me seeing men. As if "it's just different with girls". What it says to me is that they don't think female same sex attraction is as legitimate, real, and intimidating as hetero…
Chill. We're not officially married yet; the wedding is in May. It's a goofy synonym for "fiance".
I immediately tuned out after Sex at Dawn. Sorry.
So...who's going to be the first to point out that evolutionary psychology is total bullshit, then disregard everything this person says after referencing Sex at Dawn?
A nameless, married woman was asked why she doesn't take a lover. She answered: "What, you mean I have to fake orgasms for TWO?"
My immediate response to this article is that the writer has described living her romantic life by an absorbed script that she eventually dropped and now lives this part of her life much more consciously. I give her credit because this is really a good recipe for relationship success regardless of the situation. My…
It's very nice that you found an environment in which you are happy, but I do wish people would stop deferring to evolution every single time. The people who write books and push the idea that humans "evolved" or "didn't evolve" to be monogamous or play football or drive a Toyota Cressida do so with very flimsy…
Well obviously not- one of them thought the IUD was a baby! But it's all there to give the appearance that this is a medical establishment, when it is a propaganda establishment. My point was that the mandate of these centers directly contradicts the Hippocratic Oath, and the women using them don't necessarily…