
Normally I enjoy TS’s songs, but I incredibly hate Gorgeous. Like she has a boo, but she’s pouting that she can’t get this other guy. What?

This episode was trying to give me a heart attack. Like, after 3 seasons of intense passion, the whole episode felt like it wasn’t sure that they should get back together. In fact, it was definitely hard to enjoy it again because what, they were together for like a year? I feel a bit uneasy about this, but I guess


I think the point of the song was that both men and women are humans. I really liked the ending where they were like, “oh your sons are going to be rapists” and it ends really awkwardly. Like, maybe her sons are going to be rapists, or maybe not—which is the whole point of the song.

Oooo, if Megyn Kelly is a gunner, what is Savanah Gruthrie?!?

Yeah, like I think it’s really hard when someone is being awful and then you turn around and be awful right back to them and then they cry to mommy. Like, I agree, you owe them jack shit and it’s like well, which one of you should have grown a pair? Obviously the other person didn’t and maybe you should have, but

One of my friends recently talked about how people made fun of her accent in middle school. And I was all, “That’s horrible!” But then she was like, “Well, Lynx, I remember you asking me to repeat the word ‘coffee’ too.” I wasn’t making fun of her, but obviously, it still wasn’t a great experience for her. I felt

Heck, I remember reading one woman’s experience confronting her bully and her bully was like, “Well, sure, and you weren’t a very nice person either.” It was shocking to her that basically she was considered a bully as well.

Sometimes I feel jealous of celebrities. Like, if I had the money and time, I’d get a personal trainer, no problem.

I took Lotrozal (sp?) for 5 days, it’s like Clomid and then they monitored my follicle development for a week, and then when they thought it was time, gave me a shot of Ovadril so I would ovulate.

I mean, this is why coming forward is so hard. No one wants to believe their bestie is a monster.

So, just for added context here:

This has got to be a prank by D&D. Urgh.

France says he was friends with Marsha—do we know if Gossett was a friend as well?

I was really troubled when the Stonewall movie came out and it featured a white dude and not Marsha. So, while I sympathize it’s never fun to see someone more privileged getting more attention, I also think it’s great that there are multiple projects about Marsha. We need that.

People are suddenly caring because of the Weinstein thing and because Game of Thrones is the hottest show around. Like, urgh, I doubt some of these people actually give a crap—they just want the retweets.

I totally agree, but I have to say, I was curious so I checked into her news program and even that shocked me. Like, if she’s not being an argumentative jerk on Fox News, she is utterly boring. Her “straight news” voice is actually incredibly hard to listen to.

I just realized why I love this lyric so much—cuz he’s rhyming feminist women with Eminem. LOL. fEMINist WomEN.

I’m 33 and the doctor said my eggs are healthy, so much so many want to come out, but they means they compete for the ovulation hormone causing me to ovulate late. So, I could be conceiving, but since I ovulate so late, my uterus lining isn’t thick enough so the embryo can’t implant.

It normally takes a healthy couple 6 to 12 months to conceive, and screw everyone who thinks this is a competition.