
I will say, I don’t use the term “white feminism,” just because it also doesn’t necessarily convey what people want it to convey, which is power. It’s power feminism. It’s self-empowerment feminism. So when they’re saying “white feminism,” it’s not. It’s people who are aligning themselves with power. Beyoncé is a

An ad/quiz for low risk drinking sounds really weird, tbh.

Yeah, this happens in book publishing....a small publisher thinks they can just print more, but then they never take into account that more books will come back and they can’t absorb the cost.

I want to star your comment a million times!!!

No need to apologize! I appreciate your comments on this cuz it gives me a headache as well!

Recently I watched a documentary called Up the Yangtze. It’s about a poor farming Chinese family and it really illuminates the pros and cons of modern day capitalism.

She said something about how it never made any money and if she wanted to make money from it, she would have to stop covering literary books and start covering those that make the most publicity.

Yes, I am surprised she did not name bell hooks.

I think she’s makes a good point, but at the same time, what do we do when your experience is not validated? I mean, that’s the whole point of feminism—women are not viewed as an authority figure.

I dislike the “I’m a better feminist than you” conversation.

Katy Perry can sing, but the timber of her voice is just weird.

You know, it would be great if people could stop saying she was dressed as a geisha because she wasn’t. It’s like fighting cultural insensitvity with more cultural insensitivity.

In one email, Cornia says Dr. Luke wanted the phrase, “You see us in the club sip sippin bub,”

the modern Japanese versions are bright and airy and aimed more at families with small children.

I can’t see this year being an isolated thing, but then, I thought Hillary was going to be president, so I can’t tell you for sure.

Obama told Trump that governing is different than campaigning and I think we’re seeing how the Trump Admin has not taken that advice at all.

At each point in time when I think it just can’t get any worse, it does.

In fairness though, American audiences don’t give a shit about Japanese actresses, so...*shrug* *CoughBloodTheLastVampireCough*

I feel like Scarlet’s answer is basically, “Obviously I’m not going to tape my eyes to play this character.”

So, like, was Russia just jailing people left and right or did Yelena have a relative that got jailed so it became her personal business?